

变被动为主动对应英文:Change from passive to active

自信的人能化不利为有利,变被动为主动;对应英文:Confident people for the benefit of the negative, change from passive to active;

该系统体现了学生个性化所需,是变被动为主动的新型教学方法。对应英文:The system reflects the students' individual needs, is the change from passive to active teaching method.

我们变被动为主动。对应英文:We change from passive to active.

我们变被动为主动。对应英文:We change from passive to active.

该系统体现了学生个性化所需,是变被动为主动的新型教学方法。对应英文:The system reflects the students' individual needs, is the change from passive to active teaching method.

因此,面对新的形势和新的任务,要抓住机遇,回应挑战,变被动为主动,加强对大学生的马克思主义信仰教育。对应英文:Therefore, in the face of the new situation and new tasks, to seize the opportunities, meet challenges, change from passive to active, to strengthen the education of Marx's belief of College students.

这样,就可以变被动为主动,化压力为动力,进一步提高我国产品的出口竞争力。对应英文:In this way, you can change from passive to active, turn pressure into motive force, to further improve China's export competitiveness of products.

我们有了这个“一般地正确的指导”做武器,就能多打胜仗,就能变劣势为优势,变被动为主动。对应英文:We have this "generally correct direction" as a weapon, we can win more battles, can change disadvantages into advantages, change from passive to active.

该数据库变被动为主动手段,在没有对照品的情况下,能更有效、准确的筛选违禁药物添加。对应英文:The database change from passive to active means, in the absence of reference substance, screening drugs can more effectively, accurately adding.

换一种眼光,不是与人为敌,而是与人为善,这样,你才能变被动为主动,事事顺心起来。对应英文:For a vision, not the people with the enemy, but for the good of others, in this way, you can change from passive to active, everything.

因此,极有必要针对上海商业银行目前面临的主要问题展开分析,从中发现变被动为主动、化劣势为优势的途径。对应英文:Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the main problems of Shanghai commercial bank faces at present, found from the change from passive to active, way of disadvantage to advantage.

新河街道的工作人员在得知这一情况后,变被动等待为主动上门,了解企业需求,用真诚打动了企业负责人。对应英文:New River Street staff was informed of the situation, change from passive to active door waiting, to understand the business needs, with sincerity touched the person in charge of the enterprise.

了解这些修辞法能提高学习者的创造力,变被动知识为主动知识。对应英文:Understanding these rhetoric method can improve the students' creativity, change from passive knowledge to active.

基于此,人们在学习态度上应该变被动学习为主动学习。对应英文:Based on this, people should change from passive learning to active learning in the learning attitude.

它的优点在于能培养学生自学能力,调动学习的积极性,变被动学习为主动学习,提高了学习效果。对应英文:CTYPE html PUBLIC

教学,不仅要教给学生理论知识,更重要的是要教给学生学习方法,变被动学习为主动学习,方能起到事半功倍的作用。对应英文:Teaching, not only to teach students the theoretical knowledge, more important is to teach students to learn, change from passive learning to active learning, can play a multiplier effect.

经过调整、尝试、摸索了变被动实验为主动实验的教学方法,使教与学达到了预期的效果。对应英文:After the adjustment, try, groping for passive experimental teaching method for active experiment, makes teaching and learning to achieve the desired results.

智能视频分析技术是智能视频监控的关键技术,是变被动监控为主动识别的核心所在。对应英文:Intelligent video analysis technology is the key technology of intelligent video surveillance, is to change the passive control is the core of active recognition.

武术教学中如何提高学生的学习兴趣,变被动学习为主动学习是提高武术教学效果的关键所在。对应英文:How to improve students interest in Wushu teaching, change from passive learning to active learning is the key to improve the teaching effect of wushu.

情报工作的前期活动是做好情报服务工作的前提,是变被动服务为主动服务的关键。对应英文:The activities of intelligence work is the premise to the information service, the key is to change the passive service into active service.

有了求知的欲望,在学习中就会变被动接受为主动求知。对应英文:Have a desire for knowledge, in the learning process will be passive to active learning.

以产品市场研究为主方向指导工业设计,提供一揽子产品设计服务,变被动设计为主动设计,给客户带来高附加值的享受。对应英文:In order to study the product market direction of industrial design, to provide a package of product design service, change from passive to active design design, to bring customers the high added value to enjoy.

高校图书馆必须以知识和信息为基础进行知识更新和管理创新。变被动服务为主动服务,变单一服务为多种服务,变校内服务为社会服务是我们的宗旨。对应英文:The university library should be based on knowledge and information of knowledge renewal and management innovation. Change from passive to active service, change the single service to multiple services, change the service for social services is our purpose.

三要更加注重调控政策的主动性、预见性和长效稳定性,变被动调控为主动调控。对应英文:Three should focus more on the initiative, regulatory policy foresight and long-term stability, change from passive to active regulation.

改变传统的由教师一人主讲的教学模式,让学生变被动接受为主动参与,师生互动。对应英文:Change the traditional of teaching by teachers themselves, students from passive to active participation, interaction between teachers and students.

实践证明,这种方法能够激发每个学生的学习兴趣,使学生的学习变被动接受为主动探索,收到了较好的教学效果。对应英文:Practice has proved, this method can inspire each student interest in learning, so that students learn from passive to active exploration, receive better teaching effect.

信息技术它可以丰富教学内容,变被动学习为主动学习,有效地体现教学的个体化和因材施教。对应英文:Information technology it can enrich the teaching contents, change from passive learning to active learning, effectively reflect the teaching of individualized and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

集团客户分层管理的主要目标是将集团客户营销服务变“被动”为“主动”,强调精细化、有效性资源管理。对应英文:The main target group customer classification management is to change marketing services group, "passive" to "active", emphasize the effectiveness of resource management.

通过使用蜜网技术使我们能达到知己知彼,变被动受攻击为主动出击,以使我们的网络安全更有效更可靠。对应英文:By using the honeynet technology enables us to know yourself as well as the enemy, change from passive defense to active offensive, in order to make our network safety more effective and reliable.

从教学方式来看,远程教育变传统教育方式下的被动学习为主动学习,能够充分发挥学习者的主观能动性和学习积极性。对应英文:From the view of teaching method, passive learning in distance education and traditional education mode to active learning, learners can give full play to the initiative and enthusiasm for study.

变实验教学对象的“被动性”为“主动性”;对应英文:Changing the teaching objects "passivity" to "initiative";


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