

不法古不修今对应英文:Illegal ancient not repair this
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是以圣人不期修古,不法常可,论世之事,因为之备。 译文因此圣人不希望一切都学习古代,不墨受一成不变的旧规,而是研讨当代的情况,据此采取相应的办法。对应英文:Therefore the sage not get into a rut, dare to innovate, the world things, because the preparation. So the sage does not hope all learning ancient, not the old regulations are immutable and frozen ink, but the study of contemporary situation, adopt the corresponding measures.

不期修古,不法常可,论世之事,因为之备出自《韩非子 五蠹》。修遵循。法效法。意思是不期望完全遵循过去,也不效法那些陈规,要研究现在的事情,从而做出相应的准备。...对应英文:Not get into a rut, dare to innovate, the world things, because the preparation from the "Han Feizi" five bookworms. Repair the following. Method follow. Don't expect to completely follow the past, do not follow the rules, to study it, so as to prepare accordingly. ...

不能登上高雅的厅堂。形容某些不被人看重的、"粗俗"的事物(多指文艺作品)。 、不法古不修今--指不应效法古代,也不应拘泥于现状。 、不费吹灰之力--形容事情做起来...对应英文:Unable to board the elegant hall. Describe some of not being valued, "vulgar" things (refers to literary and artistic works). Don't take this ancient, illegal means should not follow the example of the ancient, also should not rigidly adhere to the status quo. As easy as blowing off dust, -- to describe things...

不能登上高雅的厅堂。形容某些不被人看重的、"粗俗"的事物(多指文艺作品)。、不法古不修今--指不应效法古代,也不应拘泥于现状。、不费吹灰之力--形容事情做起来非...对应英文:Unable to board the elegant hall. Describe some of not being valued, "vulgar" things (refers to literary and artistic works). Don't take this ancient, illegal means should not follow the example of the ancient, also should not rigidly adhere to the status quo. As easy as blowing off dust, -- to describe things non...

不得不这样。表示为环境所迫或有难言之隐而无可奈何。 不法古不修今 指不应效法古代,也不应拘泥于现状。 ...也形容样子别扭。 不古不今 指事物不正常,古代现代都不曾有过...对应英文:Have to do. That forced by circumstances or with which it would be awkward to disclose and feel helpless. Illegal ancient not repair today should not follow the example of the ancient, also should not rigidly adhere to the status quo. Also described the way out... Compromise does not normally refers to the ancient and modern, there had been no...

不法古不修今 指不应效法古代,也不应拘泥于现状。 不费吹灰之力 形容事情做起来非常容易,不花一点力气。 不分青红皂白 比喻...对应英文:Illegal ancient not repair today should not follow the example of the ancient, also should not rigidly adhere to the status quo. As easy as blowing off dust to describe things very easy, do not spend a little effort. Indiscriminately metaphor...

表壮不如理壮、拨云雾见青天 不打不成相识、不得已而为之、不得已而用之、不登大雅之堂、不法古不修今 不费吹灰之力、不分青红皂白、不可同日而语、不问青红皂白、...对应英文:Table Zhuang as strong management, shifting the clouds and see the blue sky don't play tennis acquaintance, last ditch, last resort, not put in good taste, not Fagubuxiu today as easy as blowing off dust, indiscriminately, cannot be mentioned in the same breath, without forethought,...

拨云雾见青天 不打不成相识、不得已而为之、不得已而用之、不登大雅之堂、不法古不修今 不费吹灰之力、不分青红皂白、不可同日而语、不问青红皂白、不知老之将至 不知...对应英文:See the blue sky and white clouds. Don't play tennis acquaintance, last ditch, last resort, not put in good taste, not Fagubuxiu today as easy as blowing off dust, indiscriminately, cannot be mentioned in the same breath, without forethought, do not know old age...

不登大雅之堂 形容某些不被人看重的、"粗俗"的事物(多指文艺作品)。 不法古不修今 指不应效法古代,也不应拘泥于现状。 不费吹灰之力 形容事情做起来非常容易,不花一...对应英文:Do not put in good taste describe certain not being valued, "vulgar" things (refers to literary and artistic works). Illegal ancient not repair today should not follow the example of the ancient, also should not rigidly adhere to the status quo. As easy as blowing off dust to describe things very easy, do not spend a...

备而不用 不悱不发 抱负不凡 不丰不俭 不愤不启 不丰不杀 不法古不修今 半间不界 不尴不尬 不管不顾 不间不界 不古不今 不干不净 不瞽不聋 敝盖不弃 变化不测 变幻不...对应英文:Have great life ambition be neither extravagant nor thrifty ready just in case not determined to learn Bufengbujian bufenbuqi not Fagubuxiu today not thorough going in an awkward position be careless with don't not bound between compromise unclean Bugubulong Bigaibuqi unexpected changes uncertainty...


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