

好了疮疤忘了痛对应英文:Good scar forget pain

人没有记性是因为教训不够惨痛,但是没有人希望自己得到什么惨痛的教训,所以在这之前就好好改掉自己的小毛病吧!对应英文:No memory is not enough because of painful lessons, but no one wants to get what a painful lesson, so before this to get rid of his faults!

【用法】作宾语、定语用于口语【结构】复句式【近义词】好了伤疤忘了痛【成语举例】真是好了疮疤忘了痛,你没想到靠救济过日子的时候了。对应英文:[usage] as the object, attributive structure for oral [] [] sentence type synonyms good to forget the scars of pain [for example] idioms is really good scars forget the pain, don't you think living on welfare.

又一次被凄凉的美梦惊醒每一次的梦全是你的面孔点燃一根烟坐在了电脑前就当过去只是个梦爱情不要盘旋在我心中我怎么能好了伤疤忘了疼我会慢慢撤退对应英文:Once again be desolate dream wake up every time the dream is all your face lit a cigarette before sitting in computer when the past is a dream of love. How can I not good to forget the scars of love I will slowly retreat in my heart

疮疤 āā 疮好了以后留下的疤 好了疮疤忘了痛 诘问 éè 追问责问(诘问之下,他终于开口讲了事情的原委) 渴慕 ěà ...对应英文:Scar ā ā sores and good after leaving scars forget the pain after the wound is healed interrogation é è question asked (ask under, he finally spoke about what happened) for é à...

好了伤疤忘了痛 词曲徐大庆 演唱大庆小芳 男看着你现在傻笑的表情 可爱的样子我替你高兴 女我已经原谅了他的冲动 他说不会再让我心灰意冷 男想着你为他哭红的眼...对应英文:Good pain is forgotten songs Xu Daqing sang Daqing Xiaofang male looking smirk you cute now I am happy for you girl I had forgiven his impulse he said would not let me miss you downhearted male crying red eyes for him...

惊~。~~不可终日。 疮疤、基本解释 疮好了以后留下的疤好了疮疤忘了痛 渴慕、 详细解释 非常想望。 明 屠隆 《彩毫记·夫妻翫赏》"各无心于香奁,耻怀缱绻并栖...对应英文:Surprised. ~ ~ day. Scar, explain the sores and good after leaving scar after the wound is healed forget pain, explain in detail the very desire for. Ming Tu Long "was recorded at a couple color," "the inadvertent on the Xiang Lian, shame with affection and habitat...

笃学好古 笃志好学 多快好省 夺人所好 二姓之好 各有所好 公诸同好 好吃懒做 好大喜功 好戴高帽 好丹非素...好景不长 好景不常 好酒贪杯 好了疮疤忘 … 好梦不长 好梦难...对应英文:Duxuehaogu diligent fast seize others'favorite good two surnames Everyone has his hobby. share enjoyment with those having similar tastes lazy like Haodaigaomao Haodanfeisu... Good times don't last long Not every day is Sunday. be fond of the bottle well scar forget... Dream is not long dreams difficult to...

【重归于好】归于回到好和好。指彼此重新和好。【疮好忘痛】疮疤好了就忘了疼痛。比喻情况见好以后就忘记了从前的痛苦经 应该是这样的!对应英文:[back] to return to the good and. Each other again. [sores good forget pain] good to forget the pain scar. After the situation better metaphor forget past pain after should be like this!

功败垂成 垂接近,快要。事情在将要成功的时候遭到了失败。 好了疮疤忘了痛 比喻情况好转后就忘了过去的困难或失败的教训。 后车之戒 对后面跟上来的车子的警戒。...对应英文:Vertical close to fail on the verge of success. Things will be successful when failed. The scars forget the pain after the metaphor better forget difficulties or failures in the past. Lessons drawn from others'mistakes on behind the car. ...

到了年上证综指又重上点(具体点位我记不住了),好了疮疤忘了痛的股民再此疯狂,这时也"涌现"出许多股评家,出来忽悠股民,其中赵笑云等人就是这时候造就的,他发表...对应英文:In the years the Shanghai Composite Index and heavy point (the point I do not remember), good scars forget the pain of the people in this crazy, then the "emergence" of many analysts, out 忽悠 shareholders, including Zhao Xiaoyun et al is then made, he published...

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