

慷他人之慨对应英文:Kang, another man's ci
慷他人之慨   拼音: kāng tā rén zhī kǎi 简拼: ktrk   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 利用他人的财物作人情或装饰场面。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   慷他人之慨

释义 利用他人的财物作人情或装饰场面。 贬义对应英文:Interpretation by others property as human or decoration. Derogatory sense

慷慨激烈 慷慨赴义 慷慨激扬 慷慨输将 慷慨 慷达 慷慨悲歌 慷慨陈词 慷恺 慷慨就义 慷慨仗义 慷慨淋漓 慷忾 慷喟 慷惋 慷他人之慨 慷爽 慨慷 慨当以慷 忼慷对应英文:Make liberal contributions to die for the sake of righteousness in excitement passionate generous generous chant in a heroic but mournful tone speak in excitement Kang Kai Kangkaijiuyi act in a just and generous manner Kangkailinli Kang Kai Kang Kang sigh sigh rob Peter to pay Paul Kang Shuang generous generous vehement; fervent Kang Kang

慨然允诺 感慨万端 感慨万千 感慨系之 激昂慷慨 慷他人之慨 慨当以慷 慷慨悲歌 慷慨陈词 慷慨赴义 慷慨激昂 慷慨解囊 慷慨激扬对应英文:Speak for speak vehemently with a distinctly moral tone gankaiwanduan be filled with a thousand regrets sigh with deep feeling be generous at the expense of others vehement; fervent chant in a heroic but mournful tone speak in excitement speak in excitement emotion loosen one's purse strings generously passionate die for the sake of righteousness

救民于水火 攫金不见人 开弓不放箭 开口见喉咙 开门七件事 慷他人之慨 糠菜半年粮 苛政猛于虎 可望不可即 空口说白话 快刀斩乱麻 快刀斩乱丝 来世不可待 冷锅里爆豆 ...对应英文:Save people from the abyss of suffering seize gold not people empty threat throat opening meet daily expenses be generous at the expense of others very poor tyranny is fiercer than tigers unattainable words make a lightning decision Gordian floss afterlife do not stay cold pot explosion beans...

慷慨淋漓 慷忾 慷喟 慷惋 慷他人之慨 慷爽 慨慷 慨当以慷 忼慷对应英文:Kangkailinli Kang Kai Kang Kang sigh sigh rob Peter to pay Paul Kang Shuang generous generous vehement; fervent Kang Kang

意气高昂)慷慨赴死(意气激昂,不畏死难)慷他人之慨(慷慨他人的财物来作自己的人情) . 性格豪爽 。如慷爽(大方爽快) .&...对应英文:High-spirited) to die (emotional excitement, fear of the dead) be generous at the expense of others (generous property of others to make their own favor). Bold character. Such as Kang Shuang (generous generous)

形容情绪、语调激动昂扬而充满正气。 慷慨解囊 形容极其大方地在经济上帮助别人。 慷他人之慨 利用他人的财物作人情或装饰场面。 激昂慷慨 精神振奋,情绪激昂,充满正...对应英文:Describe the mood excited, high spirited tone and full of righteousness. Loosen one's purse strings generously describe extremely generous to help others in the economy. Be generous at the expense of others by using the property of others or for decorative scenes. Speak vehemently with a distinctly moral tone spirits, passionate, full of positive...

慨然允诺 感慨万端 感慨万千 感慨系之 激昂慷慨 慷他人之慨 慨当以慷 慷慨悲歌 慷慨陈词 慷慨赴义 慷慨激昂 慷慨解囊 慷慨激扬 这么多够吗对应英文:Speak for speak vehemently with a distinctly moral tone gankaiwanduan be filled with a thousand regrets sigh with deep feeling be generous at the expense of others vehement; fervent chant in a heroic but mournful tone speak in excitement die for the sake of righteousness speak in excitement emotion loosen one's purse strings generously passionate so much enough

到一八七五年俄帝慷他人之慨,将千岛列岛给了日本,日本不再要求库页岛上的权利 。俄帝独吞起库页岛上丰富的煤藏和油矿。但是,到日俄战争之后,日本终于取得了北纬五十...对应英文:By 1875 the Russian emperor to be generous at the expense of others, the Kuril Islands to Japan, Japan is no longer required to Sakhalin Island on the right. The Russian emperor pocketed on Sakhalin Island rich in coal reserves and oil. However, after the Russo Japanese War, Japan has achieved fifty north...

它所宣称的"免费分享",其实只不过小偷销赃时的无耻叫卖,慷他人之慨,自己却无耻地从中大获其利。      我们认同自由、宽容的互联网精神,但我们更应该明白宽容和自...对应英文:Its claim to "share", in fact, only when the thief stolen goods shameless selling, be generous at the expense of others, but shamelessly from large gains. We think free, tolerant spirit of the Internet, but we should understand tolerance and self...

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