

三杯通大道对应英文:Three cups of tong road

"三杯通大道,一醉解千愁"整句出自《增广贤文》,其中"三杯通大道"出自李白的诗,"一醉解千愁"出自吴澄的词。具体见下《月下独酌》其二--唐·李白天若不爱酒,酒星不在天。...对应英文:"Three cup through Avenue, drown our sorrows" sentence from the "augmented" kind, in which "three cup through Avenue" from Li Bai's poem, "drown our sorrows" from Wu Cheng's words. Specific see "drinking alone under the moon" the Tang, Li day if don't love wine, wine star is not in the day. ...

解有好的花儿欣赏喝起酒才有兴致,没有月亮的夜晚登上楼台也没有意思。意指兴趣。三杯通大道,一醉解千愁解三杯酒下肚,心情就会好,喝个大醉,什么忧愁都烟消云散了。...对应英文:The solution has good flowers and enjoy the drink before they are interested, no moon night on the balcony also does not have the meaning. Mean interest. Three cup through Avenue, drown our sorrows solution after three glasses of wine, the mood will be good, get drunk, what sorrow disappear in smoke. ...

"三杯通大道,一醉解千愁"整句出自《增广贤文》,其中"三杯通大道"出自李白的诗,"一醉解千愁"出自吴澄的词。具体见下 《月下独酌》其二 --唐·李白 天若不爱酒,酒星不在...对应英文:"Three cup through Avenue, drown our sorrows" sentence from the "augmented" kind, in which "three cup through Avenue" from Li Bai's poem, "drown our sorrows" from Wu Cheng's words. Specific see "drinking alone under the moon" the don Li Bai day if didn't love wine, wine star is not in...

三杯通大道,一醉解千愁 解三杯酒下肚,心情就会好,喝个大醉,什么忧愁都烟消云散了。意为酒可解愁,也指宽慰别人,不用想太多。对应英文:Three cup through Avenue, drown our sorrows solution after three glasses of wine, the mood will be good, get drunk, what sorrow disappear in smoke. For liquor outlet, also refers to the comfort of others, don't think too much.

已闻清比圣,复道浊如贤贤圣既已饮,何必求神仙。三杯通大道,一斗合自然但得醉中趣,勿为醒者传。 李白说的,饮三杯即通常理、正理(即"大道"),饮一斗越发顺合人事规律(...对应英文:Already heard Qing San, "muddy as virtuous Saint already drink, why seek immortal. Three cup through Avenue, a bucket of nature but drunken fun, don't wake up. Li Bai said, drink three cup through common sense, Nyaya (i.e. "Avenue"), drink a bucket of the personnel rules (more...

三杯通大道,五斗合自 然。但得酒中趣。勿为醒者传。"更忆贺监知章诗曰"欲向东南去,定将谁举杯。稽山无 贺老,却棹酒船回。"后在浔阳,复为永王璘延接,累谪夜郎。时杜甫...对应英文:Three cup through Avenue, five bucket and natural. But interest in wine. Don't wake up. "More memory he prison know chapter said" to the southeast, will who drink. Jishan no he old, but your wine to ship back to. "In reply to Xunyang, Yongwang extending, tired to exile yelang. Du Fu...

应该是三杯通大道,一斗合自然。 出自《月下独酌》其二,作者李白。 其二 天若不爱酒。 酒星不在天。 地若不爱酒。 地应无酒泉。 天地既爱酒。 爱酒不愧天。 已闻清比...对应英文:Should be three cup through Avenue, a bucket of nature. From "drinking alone under the moon" secondly, author Li Bai. The second day if don't love wine. Wine star is not in the day. If didn't love wine. Should be no Jiuquan. The world not only love wine. Love wine is worthy of day. Already heard Qing ratio...

天地既爱酒,爱酒不愧天,已闻清比圣,复道浊如贤。圣贤既已饮,何必求神仙三杯通大道,一斗合自然。但得酒中趣,勿为醒者传。字面意思很简单.要说其中含义的话,有一点点"...对应英文:The world not only love wine, wine is worthy of love day, already heard Qing San, "voiced such as xian. Sage has been drinking, beg an immortal why three cup through Avenue, a bucket of nature. But interest in wine, don't wake up. The literal meaning is very simple. To say the meaning of words, a little"...

人贫不语,水平不流。一家有女百家求,一马不行百马忧。有花方酌酒,无月不登楼。三杯通大道,一醉解千愁。深山毕竟藏猛虎,大海终须纳细流。惜花须检点,爱月不梳头。大抵...对应英文:Poverty is not language, level does not flow. A female hundred for a horse, not worry. There are flowers square to pour wine, no month do not go. Three cup through Avenue, drown our sorrows. After all the hidden tiger mountains, the sea will have to accept a trickle. One must behave yourself, love month didn't comb. Probably...

应该是三杯通大道,一斗合自然。 出自《月下独酌》其二,作者李白。 其二天若不爱酒。 酒星不在天。 地若不爱酒。 地应无酒泉。 天地既爱酒。 爱酒不愧天。 已闻清比...对应英文:Should be three cup through Avenue, a bucket of nature. From "drinking alone under the moon" secondly, author Li Bai. The second day if don't love wine. Wine star is not in the day. If didn't love wine. Should be no Jiuquan. The world not only love wine. Love wine is worthy of day. Already heard Qing ratio...


解释:三杯:指饮了三杯酒;大道:宽广的道路。三杯酒下肚,可达理想境界。形容旧时文人因政治上不得意,靠饮酒来安慰自己,自我陶醉。 出处:唐·李白《月下独酌》:“三杯通大道,一斗合自然。” 示例:~,一醉解千愁。 ★《增广贤文》 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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