

舍不得孩子套不着狼对应英文:Won't loathe to give up the child set of wolves

冯巩说的是舍不得孩子套不着狼下一句是舍不得老婆抓不住流氓。 如果是你想追女人~~舍不得电脑追不到美女 如果你是动手术~~舍不得开动拿不出肿瘤~ 等等的~~根据你要面...对应英文:Feng Gong said that the children can't set the wolf a reluctant wife do not catch the rogue. If you want to catch a woman ~ ~ reluctant computer does not pursue beauty if you are reluctant to start operation ~ ~ ~ and so on with no tumor ~ ~ according to your face...

"舍不得孩子套不着狼"(有时亦作"舍不得孩子套不住狼"、"舍不得孩子打不了/着狼)是一句人们所熟知常用的俗语,字面意思是为了要想打到狼有时不得不舍弃孩子,比喻...对应英文:"Children can't set the wolf" (sometimes also for "wolf could not bear children live sets", "grudge child can't play / Wolf) is a well known as the common saying goes, the literal meaning is to want to hit the wolf sometimes have to abandon their children, metaphor...

对应英文:CTYPE html PUBLIC

冯巩说的是舍不得孩子套不着狼下一句是舍不得老婆抓不住流氓。如果是你想追女人~~舍不得电脑追不到美女如果你是动手术~~舍不得开动拿不出肿瘤~等等的~~根据你要面对...对应英文:Feng Gong said that the children can't set the wolf a reluctant wife do not catch the rogue. If you want to catch a woman ~ ~ reluctant computer does not pursue beauty if you are reluctant to start operation ~ ~ ~ and so on with no tumor ~ ~ according to your face...

"舍不得孩子套不着狼"(有时亦作"舍不得孩子套不住狼"、"舍不得孩子打不了/着狼)是一句人们所熟知常用的俗语,字面意思是为了要想打到狼有时不得不舍弃孩子,比喻要达到...对应英文:"Children can't set the wolf" (sometimes also for "wolf could not bear children live sets", "grudge child can't play / Wolf) is a well known as the common saying goes, the literal meaning is to want to hit the wolf sometimes have to abandon their children, compared to...

舍不得孩子套不着狼"(有时亦作"舍不得孩子套不住狼"、"舍不得孩子打不了/着狼)是一句人们所熟知常用的俗语,字面意思是为了要想打到狼有时不得不舍弃孩子,比喻要达到某...对应英文:Children can't set the wolf "(sometimes also as" wolf could not bear children live sets "," grudge child can't play / Wolf) is a well known as the common saying goes, the literal meaning is to want to hit the wolf sometimes have to abandon their children, compared to some...

舍不得金子弹,打不着金凤凰不入虎穴,焉得虎子对应英文:Reluctant to gold bullets, not a gold phoenix A faint heart never wine fair lady

成语俗语皆可对应英文:Idioms can be

有得有失对应英文:Lost and found

时间一长,人们就习非成是,"舍不得鞋子套不着狼"也就被讹传误记为"舍不得孩子套不着狼"了。对应英文:For a long time, people have not, "not shoes, not a wolf" will be taking a mistake as "children can't set the wolf".


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