

摸不着头脑对应英文:Scratching their heads
摸不着头脑   拼音: mō bù zháo tóu nǎo 简拼: mbzn   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 指弄不清是怎么回事。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   摸不着头脑捉摸不定

事实和数字开始混淆在一起让你摸不着头脑?对应英文:Facts and figures to mix together let you confused?

但它谈的仍然是“民用”角色,让一些观察家摸不着头脑,不知道AFRICOM究竟将会做什么,特别是它没有给这种奋斗带来士兵。对应英文:Talk but it is still a "civilian" role, let some observers scratching their heads, don't know exactly what AFRICOM will do, especially if it did not bring to this endeavor.

这种包围的意图正如整个结构一样让人摸不着头脑。对应英文:Surrounded by the intentions as confusing as the whole structure.

事实和数字开始混淆在一起让你摸不着头脑?对应英文:Facts and figures to mix together let you confused?

此情此景着实让猫咪菲利克斯对老鼠的举动有点摸不着头脑,这可是它万万没有想到的,太意外了。对应英文:I liked this really let the cat felix's move to the mouse a little scratching their heads, but it never thought of, too surprised.

但它谈的仍然是“民用”角色,让一些观察家摸不着头脑,不知道AFRICOM究竟将会做什么,特别是它没有给这种奋斗带来士兵。对应英文:Talk but it is still a "civilian" role, let some observers scratching their heads, don't know exactly what AFRICOM will do, especially if it did not bring to this endeavor.

新的数据使得那些模拟月球形成的科学家“摸不着头脑”,亚历哈利迪说。 他是一位没有参与这项研究的的牛津大学同位素地球化学家。对应英文:New data enables the simulation of the moon formed scientists "scratching their heads," alex halliday said.

没人知道这种失调是在东正教犹太人里更广泛还是在外界更广泛,但犹太人可能会更让外界摸不着头脑。对应英文:No one knows the disorder is wider in orthodox jews outside more widely, but the jews may be more scratching their heads to the outside world.

过渡不明晰,演讲者就会在不经意之间使听众摸不着头脑,就好像演讲者另起炉灶进行演讲一样。对应英文:Transition is not clear, the speaker will unwittingly make audience scratching their heads, as if the speaker start to.

这些功能不但会使产品更复杂,还会让你的用户摸不着头脑。对应英文:These features not only can make the products more complex, still can let your users.

它们这样做的原因尚不明确,特别是它们在春天返回瑞典的途中会休息好几次,更是让大家摸不着头脑。对应英文:They do so because it is not clear, especially they will return to Sweden in the spring on the way to rest several times, is to let people scratching their heads.

但是该裁决核心概念的意思——斯巴克斯法官称之为“令人费解的学生多元化临界点”——依旧让他摸不着头脑。对应英文:But the decision of the core concepts of the meaning - the judge called "puzzling critical mass of diversity of students," - still scratching their heads.

这确实有点让人摸不着头脑,因为从技术层面上讲,目前这种病是无法医治的,除个别的癌症病人可得到康复例外。对应英文:This really is a bit confusing, because from the technical level, the disease is currently incurable, in addition to the individual cancer patient can be cured.

他的令人摸不着头脑的严肃和搞笑风的融合可能是他进军西方文化市场成绩不佳的原因之一。对应英文:He's not serious and funny wind convergence could be his foray into western culture market one of the reasons for the poor.

这周占领华尔街的新闻传到中国,并为我们津津乐道,激起了中国人慷慨激昂的情绪,但各方政治派别的反应使我们摸不着头脑。对应英文:This Zhou Zhanling Wall Street news spread to China, and as we relish, aroused the Chinese people passionate emotions, but the reaction of all political parties made us confused.

第一学期末,我还是对中文四声的发音摸不着头脑,磁带里中文对话从头到尾都是哇啦哇啦。对应英文:At the end of the first semester, I am still scratching their heads to the four tones in Chinese pronunciation, tape in Chinese conversation are sodium lauryl sodium lauryl from beginning to end.

这家家居连锁店让人摸不着头脑的布局实际上是一个精心设计,用来在心理上诱使顾客与他们的钞票说再见的营销武器。对应英文:The confusing layout household chain store is actually an elaborate design, used to entice customers with their psychological money say goodbye marketing weapon.

有时“起火”的原因显而易见(读下去),有时却让你摸不着头脑。对应英文:Sometimes the cause of the "fire" is obvious (read), but sometimes make you confused.

他在北京当教师,能讲流利的汉语,生性乐天开朗,但当时他也有一点摸不着头脑。对应英文:He as a teacher in Beijing, fluent Chinese, merry and cheerful, but he was also a bit confused.

我是绝对摸不着头脑,鳄鱼为什么顺着河马的背跑。对应英文:I am absolutely scratching their heads, a crocodile why hippos running back.

像IT员工一样,信息安全人员也是动辄满口术语和行话,不仅其他部门的员工听不懂,许多高管也摸不着头脑。对应英文:Like IT employees, information security personnel were frequently jargon and buzzwords, other staff not only don't understand, many executives are scratching their heads.

人们担心公共卫生部门公布的关于病毒严重程度的消息已经越来越让人摸不着头脑。对应英文:People are worried about the public health department of news about the severity of the virus has been more and more confusing.

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