

少数服从多数对应英文:The minority is subordinate to the majority

然而民主并不只是少数服从多数,更在于少数派的权利。对应英文:Democracy is not only the minority is subordinate to the majority, however, more is the rights of minorities.

根据表决惯例,少数服从多数,但有权对某一议案持保留意见。对应英文:According to vote on practice, the minority is subordinate to the majority, but shall have the right has reservations about going on a bill.

当我们还是孩子的时候,我们就学会了什么是民主,人们怎么履行民主,以及少数服从多数的原则。对应英文:When we were kids, we have learned what is democracy, how people perform democracy, as well as the principle of the minority is subordinate to the majority.

根据表决惯例,少数服从多数,但有权对某一议案持保留意见。对应英文:According to vote on practice, the minority is subordinate to the majority, but shall have the right has reservations about going on a bill.

第十六条 党组织讨论决定问题,必须执行少数服从多数的原则。对应英文:Article 16 party discussion and decision problem, must carry out the principle of the minority is subordinate to the majority.

当我们还是孩子的时候,我们就学会了什么是民主,人们怎么履行民主,以及少数服从多数的原则。对应英文:When we were kids, we have learned what is democracy, how people perform democracy, as well as the principle of the minority is subordinate to the majority.

在众议院总是少数服从多数,很少有多数服从少数的情况。对应英文:Always the minority is subordinate to the majority in the house, there are few most, a few cases.

国会一般直接采取少数服从多数和比例代表制来选举。对应英文:Congress general directly take the minority is subordinate to the majority and proportional representation to the election.

伍德福德的说法和充满敌意的奥林巴斯新闻发布会让我们看到了一个少见的例子:日本通常封闭的、遵从少数服从多数原则的公司文化中存在的冲突暴露在公众眼前。对应英文:Woodford claims and the hostile Olympus news conference, let us see a rare example: Japan normally closed, follow the principle of the minority is subordinate to the majority of the company culture conflicts existing in the exposed in front of the public.

但是,我们也存在着对少数服从多数迷信的不良倾向,存在着把民主单纯的等同于少数服从多数的误解。对应英文:We also, however, there is bad tendency of the minority is subordinate to the majority superstition, there is the pure democracy is equivalent to the minority is subordinate to the majority of misunderstanding.

迄今欧美国家实行的民主,本质上是一种凌驾于社会组织之上的“国家形态”,“就是承认少数服从多数的国家”。对应英文:European and American countries for democracy, yet is essentially a kind of above social organization "national form", "is to admit the minority is subordinate to the majority of countries".

毛泽东:如果意见不一致,就少数服从多数。对应英文:MAO zedong: if not agree, the minority is subordinate to the majority.

在决策过程中,应遵循少数服从多数和半数以上通过的原则。对应英文:In decision-making process, should follow the principle of the minority is subordinate to the majority and more than half through.

事实上,倘若没有事先的约定,除一致同意的选举外,少数人服从多数人的选择的义务从何而来?对应英文:In fact, without prior agreement, except agree that election, the minority is subordinate to the majority person's choice of obligations come from?

在政治选举中,少数得服从多数,但我们的生活并非如此。我们每天都有机会选择自己的生命领袖。对应英文:In political elections, the minority is subordinate to the majority, but our life is not the case.

除非另外有规定在董事会的任何会议中,每一位董事都有一票表决权,董事会的所有决定都是少数票服从多数票。对应英文:Unless there are provisions in any meeting of the board of directors, each director has one vote vote, all decisions are a few tickets obey the majority of the board of directors.

真理往往是在少数人手里,而少数人必须服从多数人,到头来真理还是在多数人手里,人云亦云就是这样堆积起来的。对应英文:Truth is often in the hands of a few people, and a few people must obey the majority of people, in the end the truth or in most people's hands, conformity are piled up in this way.

翻译为英语1、真理掌握在少数人手里,而少数人必须服从多数人,最终真理还是掌握在多数人手里!对应英文:Translated into English 1, truth lies in the hands of a few people, and a few people must obey the majority of people, eventually the truth or in most people hands!

此奖项将按多数服从少数的原则由一般评审方式最终决定。对应英文:The award will be judged by the general according to the principle of majority obey a few final decision.

他强调说美国的国父们信仰民主体制,但是惧怕民主“少数必须永远服从多数”的理念。对应英文:He stressed that America's founding fathers belief in democracy, but afraid of democracy the concept of "minority must always obey the majority".

所有事务都是通过集体讨论少数服从多数来决策或决定的。对应英文:All transactions are through collective discussion of the minority is subordinate to the majority decision or a decision.

少数服从多数和民主并不是等同的,少数服从多数有其自身产生、维持、发展的原因。对应英文:The minority is subordinate to the majority and democracy are not equal, the minority is subordinate to the majority has its own, maintain, the development of the cause.

本文首先分析了少数服从多数原则以及相关的一系列概念,以明确我们所要讨论的问题的范围。对应英文:At first, this paper analyses the principle of the minority is subordinate to the majority and a series of related concepts, in order to make clear the scope of what we are going to discuss problems.

仲裁人事争议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则,不同意见应当如实记入笔录。对应英文:The arbitration of personnel dispute cases, the minority is subordinate to the majority principle, the different opinions shall be truthfully entered in the transcript.

针对ART1网络模式识别的漂移问题,提出了少数服从多数原则来减少这种问题的出现。对应英文:For the drift of ART1 network pattern recognition problem, put forward the principle of the minority is subordinate to the majority to reduce the occurrence of this kind of problem.


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