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张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。对应英文:Because of zhangjiakou with traffic crossroads of northwest China, Inner Mongolia, is located in Beijing relief, it is always for the mohican.

由于其独特的地理位置,绵阳从来都是成都的自然屏障,是自古兵家必争之地。对应英文:Because of its unique geographical location, had always been a natural barrier, chengdu is the town of empire.

对活动在乍得北部与利比亚接壤的动荡区域的反政府武装来说,这里已经成为他们的兵家必争之地。对应英文:The activities in the northern border with Libya turmoil in the region of Chad rebels, here has become their mohican.

万圣节前夜也成为好莱坞和沃尔玛的兵家必争之地。对应英文:Halloween has become Hollywood's and wal-mart mohican.

谷歌和苹果在广告和数码娱乐领域竞争日渐白热化,这番举措无疑传达了这么一个信息:移动设备将成为下一个兵家必争之地。对应英文:Google and apple in the field of advertising and digital entertainment increasingly heated competition, this move clearly convey such a message: mobile devices will be the next mohican.

由于其独特的地理位置,绵阳从来都是成都的自然屏障,是自古兵家必争之地。对应英文:Because of its unique geographical location, had always been a natural barrier, chengdu is the town of empire.

对活动在乍得北部与利比亚接壤的动荡区域的反政府武装来说,这里已经成为他们的兵家必争之地。对应英文:The activities in the northern border with Libya turmoil in the region of Chad rebels, here has become their mohican.

伊拉克地处中东的心脏地区,地理位置十分重要,是连接欧亚非三洲的交通枢纽,自古就是兵家必争之地。对应英文:Iraq is located in the heart of the Middle East region, the geographical position is very important, and is connected to the hub of communications in the three states in Asia and Africa, the ancient times is the mohican.

很多有眼光、有抱负的国际、国内大型房产商都会选择上海作为它们进行战略性发展的兵家必争之地。对应英文:Many have a vision, aspiring international and domestic large developers can choose Shanghai as their strategic development for mohican.

我们也质疑其他国外央行相对于日本央行持续干预的意愿,毕竟这个行动是政治兵家必争之地。对应英文:We also question the other foreign central Banks relative to the bank of Japan continued intervention will, after all the action is a political mohican.

为能拉拢更多的玩家,各大网络游戏公司开始了铺天盖地的广告宣传,电视广告自然也是兵家必争之地。对应英文:Having more players to a major online game companies with advertising, television advertising is also mohican.

张家口市因地处北京与大西北、内蒙的交通要冲,地势险要,历来为兵家必争之地。对应英文:Because of zhangjiakou with traffic crossroads of northwest China, Inner Mongolia, is located in Beijing relief, it is always for the mohican.

位于中国河北省西北部,地处京、冀、晋、蒙四省市区交界处,是北京的北大门,也是历史上兵家必争之地,重要的地理文化名城。对应英文:Is located in the northwest of hebei province, is located in Beijing, hebei, shanxi, at the junction of four provinces, is the north gate of Beijing, is also a mohican in history, geographical and cultural city.


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