

好钢用在刀刃上对应英文:Good steel used in the blade

好钢用在刀刃上,花钱花在裉节儿上就是切中要害,抓住最主要的环节对应英文:Good use in the steel blade, spend money is hit the mark in the Ken Festival on the children, to seize the most important link

好钢用在刀刃上,花钱花在裉节儿上就是切中要害,抓住最主要的环节 最早应该出自上世纪年代 修建红旗渠时当时国内物资紧张 又没有什么大型的机械纯粹靠人力 锤子 凿子...对应英文:Good use in the steel blade, spend money is hit the mark in the Ken Festival on the children, to seize the most important link of the earliest should come from the 1960s to build the canal when domestic supplies nervous and not what large mechanical sheer manpower hammer chisel...

人尽其才,外尽其用。一个人管理做得好,销售做得也好,如果现在公司的重点是销售,或者说销售出现短板,这时候这个人就到销售。对应英文:Give full scope to the talents, and make the best use of. The management of a person do well, sales do well, if the company is now focused on selling, or selling short board, then this person to sales.

来自英语牛人团望采纳 谢谢对应英文:From the English expert group hope to adopt

"工作要做到点子上","力气要用在节骨眼上","好刚要用在刀刃上","打蛇先打七寸","射人先射马,擒贼先擒王","弹钢琴","画龙点睛","一个篱笆三个桩","一个好汉三个帮""荷花...对应英文:"Work to do on the idea", "effort to use in the moment", "good just to be used in the knife's edge", "hit the snake to play seven inches", "shoot first shoot horses, qinzeixianqinwang", "playing the piano", "touch", "a fence three pile", "one of three men to help" "lotus...

集中解决重点问题,首要矛盾对应英文:Central to solve the key problem, the principal contradiction

好钢用在刀刃上,花钱花在裉节儿上 就是切中要害,抓住最主要的环节对应英文:Good use in the steel blade, spend money is hit the mark in the Ken Festival on the children, to seize the most important link

合金的钢材,或者,含有矿物质的钢材最好,就是合金钢材比较好。对应英文:Alloy steel, or containing minerals, steel, alloy steels is better.

把合适的东西放在合适的地方~~~也可以这样说,他合适的东西放在适当的地方...其中"东西"一词可以替换..比如资源资金等等.."东西"一词是一种泛指~~对应英文:Put the right thing in the right place. That is to say, he the right things in the right place... The "thing" one word can be replaced, such as resource capital and so on.. "things" is a general

()量入为出,适度消费()避免盲从,理性消费 消费要根据自己的需要,而且要适合自己的需要。 消费时要有主见,不人云亦云,不随大流、追风头。 宽以待人,心态平和,不...对应英文:Make both ends meet () () to avoid blindly, moderate consumption, rational consumption according to their own needs, but also to suit their own needs. Consumption should be assertive, not repeat word for word what others say, do not follow the crowd, chasing the limelight. Be broad-minded toward others, peace of mind, not...

俗语好钢用在刀刃上hǎo gāng yòng zài dāo rèn shang是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/469.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

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