

脚踏两只船对应英文:With both
jiǎo tà liǎng zhī chuán

但是欧盟不可能脚踏两只船,就像它争取找到立足点时努力做的那样。对应英文:But the eu can't be both, like to find a foothold to do it.

我只是有信仰。我不像你,臭混蛋。 你可以脚踏两只船,跟你前女友的最好的朋友乱搞。对应英文:I just have faith.

那些想脚踏两只船——既要限制网上言论自由又要利用互联网谋取商业利益——的国家,最终会发现这并非易事。对应英文:Those who want to foot two ship, both to limit freedom of speech online and to use the Internet for business interests - country, eventually will find it is not easy.

但是欧盟不可能脚踏两只船,就像它争取找到立足点时努力做的那样。对应英文:But the eu can't be both, like to find a foothold to do it.

那些想脚踏两只船——既要限制网上言论自由又要利用互联网谋取商业利益——的国家,最终会发现这并非易事。对应英文:Those who want to foot two ship, both to limit freedom of speech online and to use the Internet for business interests - country, eventually will find it is not easy.

不要白白享受着她的照顾和温柔,然后漫不经心地寻找着别的女孩,在找到之后才说我们分手吧,又或者干脆脚踏两只船。对应英文:Don't go to enjoy her care and tenderness, and then carelessly looking for other girls, after finding that we break up, or flat feet two ship.

伱还总叫我再找个,不耽误我,什么意思,伱也在找怕我死认上伱不肯松手吗,不会滴,脚踏两只船累不累呀?对应英文:You always called me a again, also do not delay me, what do you mean, lest I die on you know you are looking for is not willing to let go, don't drop, with both tired not tired?

那个军火走私者脚踏两只船,同时向阿拉伯人和以色列人出售武器。对应英文:The arms smuggler with both, at the same time selling weapons to arabs and the israelis.

我们都有责任,我对她不太信任,尽管她坚定的说只有我这一个男朋友,我还是怀疑她脚踏两只船。对应英文:We have a responsibility, I don't trust to her, although she told me firmly only I this a boyfriend, I still doubt that she's dating two girls at the same time.

她脚踏两只船,我就和她吹了。对应英文:She's dating two girls, and she blows.

亲爱的,你一定要相信我啊,我连坐船都头晕,更何况是脚踏两只船呢!对应英文:Dear, you must believe me, I all dizzy by ship, that is both!

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