

旧的不去新的不来对应英文:The old not to new not to come

里面还有我的照片旧的不去新的不来。对应英文:There is also my photo old not to new not to come.

往往出现这种情况的时候,人们总喜欢用这样一句话来慰藉自己的心灵,那便是所谓的“旧的不去,新的不来。”对应英文:Often appear this kind of circumstance, people always like to use this sentence to comfort your heart, that is the so-called "old don't go, new not to come."

往往出现这种情况的时候,人们总喜欢用这样一句话来慰藉自己的心灵,那便是所谓的“旧的不去,新的不来。”对应英文:Often appear this kind of circumstance, people always like to use this sentence to comfort your heart, that is the so-called "old don't go, new not to come."


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