

庐山真面目对应英文:Looks like
庐山真面目,拼音lú shān zhēn miàn mù,比喻事物的真相或人的本来面目。

不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。对应英文:Not looks like, the good luck body is in the mountain.

两战两胜不丢球,但始终有人坚持认为荷兰还没露出庐山真面目。对应英文:Best of the two don't throw the ball, but always someone insist that haven't show looks like in Holland.

最终,我们将第一次从量子理论中揭开时空的庐山真面目。对应英文:In the end, we will be the first time how space-time looks like from the quantum theory.

不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。对应英文:Not looks like, the good luck body is in the mountain.

最终,我们将第一次从量子理论中揭开时空的庐山真面目。对应英文:In the end, we will be the first time how space-time looks like from the quantum theory.

这部片子仅仅五星期就拍完,大部分场景设在一座办公大楼内,全片叙述一名谐星受雇冒充一位庐山真面目从未被员工看过的公司老闆。对应英文:This movie just five weeks, finishing the set mostly in an office building, film narrative a comedian employed as a company's employees have never seen the boss.

人们说帝王是拟诸上帝的形象而造就的;我感到替上帝难为情,假使那就是他的庐山真面目的话。对应英文:They say king is be made in the image of god;

庐山的云海悄然而至、缓缓而去,它常常变换庐山形状,使人难见其真面目。对应英文:Lushan mountain sea of clouds quietly, slowly, but it often transform lushan shape, make the person is hard to see his face.

两战两胜不丢球,但始终有人坚持认为荷兰还没露出庐山真面目。对应英文:Best of the two don't throw the ball, but always someone insist that haven't show looks like in Holland.

号称如‘海豚一般敏捷’(尽管看起来更像一头逆戟鲸)的私人潜艇,首次亮出了它的庐山真面目。对应英文:Claims as agile as' the dolphins' (although it looks more like a killer whale) private submarine, unveiled for the first time it looks like.

Hani创造了一个在线人物性格,因而他可以以一种完全无法确认的方式来发表他的想法,但还是有很多人没有透过语言看到他的庐山真面目。对应英文:Hani created an online character, so he can be in a completely unable to confirm the way to make his idea, but there are still a lot of people don't see he looks like through language.

在理论上病毒“中子放射性衰变”揭开了病毒起源的“庐山真面目”。对应英文:In theory the virus "neutron radioactive decay" revealed the origin of the virus "looks like".

那个国家口口声声说自己是一个爱好和平的国家,可是当它进攻比它小的邻国时,就露出了庐山真面目。对应英文:That country has said he is a peace-loving country, but when it attacked its smaller neighbours, is revealed.

2011年7月27日,2012年伦敦奥运会一周年倒计时开始之际,伦敦奥运会奖牌露出庐山真面目。对应英文:On July 27, 2011, the beginning of the 2012 London Olympic Games one-year countdown, the London Olympic Games medal looks like.

从上海八佰秀企业管理有限公司处获悉,800秀将于2009年夏天正式向大众展示其庐山真面目。对应英文:Eight leagues from Shanghai show business management co., LTD., was told, 800 show will officially to the public in the summer of 2009 to show its looks like.

拆开包装,就看到真正的庐山真面目,外型感觉就像稳重小山的QC890条码检测器。对应英文:Broke open the packing, was to see the real person, exterior feels like sedate hill QC890 bar code detector.

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