

名师出高徒对应英文:Teacher I
名师出高徒   拼音: míng shī chū gāo tú 简拼: msct   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 高明的师傅一定能教出技艺高的徒弟。比喻学识丰富的人对于培养人才的重要。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   名师出高徒

苏门四学士黄庭坚、秦观、晁补之和张耒汤普森(就是发现电子的人)培养了七个诺贝尔奖。卢瑟福,著名的原子物理的奠基人,培养了十二个诺贝尔奖。还有孔子是老子的徒弟...对应英文:The four scholars Huang Tingjian, Qin Guan, Zhang Lei Chao and Thompson (who is found) training seven Nobel award. Lu Sefu, the founder of the famous atomic physics, train twelve Nobel award. There are Confucius is me...

诺贝尔奖坛上名师出高徒的基本类型 、链条式。链条式又分短链式和长链式。 短链式的经典例子有年度诺贝尔化学得主毕希纳,曾求学于阿道夫贝耶尔门下,老师是比他...对应英文:Master basic type, the chain type. Nobel award the altar. Chain type is divided into short chain and long chain. Short chain of the classic examples of annual Nobel chemical winner Buchner, who studied with Adolf Beyer's door, the teacher is better than he...

也就是说,我方的观点,名师出高徒,指的是名师可以培养出高徒,当然,我方也承认并不是名师培养出来的徒弟都是高徒。只是名师培养出来高徒的概率要比普通的老师、或者自...对应英文:That is to say, in our view, the famous gaotu, refers to the teacher can cultivate gaotu, of course, I also recognize and not the teacher training students is. Just the teacher training. The probability than ordinary teacher, or self...

观众,大家好我方认为只有名师才能出高徒。名师是指有名望的老师,有声望的并且为社会所认同的老师。该类老师应该在一个良好的培养环境,有强大的自身修养和理念,并且可...对应英文:The audience, everybody is good I think only teachers can. The teacher is a respectable teacher, and to identify the social teacher prestigious. The class teacher should be a good training environment, has a strong self accomplishment and ideas, and can...

这就是师父领进门,而且往往明师会出一些高徒的。如果整天跟一些素质低下的人混,很难有所提高的,除非有着极...得名师倾囊相授,艺术修养又有明显长进。日前她赴北京,为角逐...对应英文:This is the master, but also master some outstanding students. If the day with some low quality people mixed, it is difficult to improve, unless there is a very... A teacher to teach him, artistic accomplishment and significant progress. She recently went to Beijing, to seek...

也谈名师出高徒 俗话说"名师出高徒",似乎投到名师门下,就必定功成名就,青出于蓝胜于蓝,我看未必。 任何事物的发展进步总包括内外二因,其中内因为主,外因为辅。投师名...对应英文:On the student as the saying goes "the student", seems to be cast into the teacher under the door, it will achieve success and win recognition, The students surpass the teacher. blue, I don't think so. The development and progress of everything including internal and external two because, the internal factors, external as auxiliary. Toushi name...

高徒出名师"的"典范"对应英文:A teacher "" paradigm "

对应英文:CTYPE html PUBLIC

与"名师出高徒 "相反观点是"师傅领进门,修行在个人" 和"走自己的路,让别人说去吧"的相反观点是"瞻前顾后""犹豫不决"对应英文:In contrast with the "student" point of view is "a master door, the individual self-cultivation" and "go your own way, let others say go to the opposite view" is the "care" "shilly-shally"

说明不了什么。名师所做的是让你知道怎样去学习。最重要的还是要自己努力对应英文:Cannot say what. The teacher has done is to let you know how to study. The most important thing is to their own efforts

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