

命里无时莫强求对应英文:What you don't in demand

既没有告诉你命里有没有,也没有告诉你该求什么不求什么。悲观还是乐观,要看你自己的选择和认识。简单说,命里有什么无什么,你不去做、不去发现、不去实践行动,你怎么知...对应英文:Neither tell you life is there, did not tell you this to what do not ask what. Pessimistic or optimistic, to see and know your own. Say simply, life has no what what, you don't do it, not to find, not to practice, how do you know...

真理就是真理,不要去怀疑哈对应英文:The truth is the truth, not to doubt

命里无时莫强求 是一种自我安慰的说法,开解心灵的不忿. 一切随缘就是要保持平常心来对待事情, 不以个人需求来衡量得失. 凡事经过自己的努力,大家或对方采纳与否只能...对应英文:Life in no time it up is a kind of self consolation, open hearts displeased. All is to treat things keep common heart, not to individual needs to weigh everything through their own efforts, all or each other to adopt or not only...

吧 "命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求"强调命,是客观唯心主义对应英文:"Sometimes in life will have to be, life in no time it up" emphasizes the life, is objective idealism

我心中有你,你心中有我才会天长地久。至于他签名改成命里有里时终须有,命里无时莫强求。正说明他也是在乎你。就象你说得一样照 老样子去做就行。反正不是你去和好就...对应英文:I have your heart, you have my heart will be enduring as the universe. As for his signature in every there will have to be, life in no time it up. Is that he also care about you. As you are saying the same thing in the old way to do it. It's not you go and...

命里无时莫强求,但即使是莫强求,也有天上掉馅饼的情况,说不定突然转运了呢。 命里有时终须有命里无时莫强求。有时和无时只是时间或者机遇问题,而不是所谓的命运说。...对应英文:To forgive and forget, but even Mo insist, also have a pie in the sky, I suddenly transport. You will have it if it belongs to you, whereas you don't keep for it if it doesn't appear in your life. Sometimes and not just time or opportunity, rather than the so-called fate. ...

顺应天命,随遇而安。是你的就是你的,不是你的再怎么努力都得不到。对应英文:Comply with the destiny, reconcile oneself to one's situation. Is you is you, not your again how hard are not.

就是说,某(代指好多,如某人,某物等)是你的就是你的,你啥都不干 他还是你的不是你的就不是你的,你做再多的准备,也不会是你的对应英文:That is to say, a (referring to a lot, such as sb, sth etc.) is you is you, you are not doing anything he or you not you isn't you, you do more preparation, also not be your

几许有共享荣华檐畔水滴不分差无知井里蛙徙望添声价空得意目光如麻谁料金屋变败瓦命里有时终须有命里无时莫强求雷声风雨打何用多惊怕心公正白壁无瑕行善积德最乐也命...对应英文:Many have shared the splendor Yan pan water droplets do not divide the difference well frog migration at the ignorance added empty eyes never proud reputation as the thunder storm hit what many fear fair flawless white heart charity the music life who Kanaya become tile sometimes in life will have to be life in no time...

如果你不死心,为什么说命里无时莫强求,如果你死心了,为什么说命里有时终须有 其实你没有死心,否则为什么上来登陆这条消息自己不想出力争取,以为网友或许是救命的稻...对应英文:If you don't give up, why life in no time it up, if you forget, why sometimes in life will have to be actually you do not give up, otherwise why up landing this message you don't want to work for, that users may be lifesaving rice...


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