

十八般武艺对应英文:Legendary weapons of China

每个人也都有十八般武艺!哦耶!对应英文:Everyone has a legendary weapons of China also!

十八般武艺是中国武术中的一个传统术语,常见于中国古代的戏曲、小说中。对应英文:Legendary weapons of China is a traditional term of Chinese martial arts, is common in Chinese ancient drama and fiction.

尽管罗纳尔多左脚、右脚、头球,点球和任意球十八般武艺样样精通,但现在断言他们两人谁将载誉而归为时尚早。对应英文:Although ronaldo left foot, right foot, header, penalty kick and legendary weapons of China know everything, but now assert that the two of them who will honor too.

十八般武艺是中国武术中的一个传统术语,常见于中国古代的戏曲、小说中。对应英文:Legendary weapons of China is a traditional term of Chinese martial arts, is common in Chinese ancient drama and fiction.

尽管罗纳尔多左脚、右脚、头球,点球和任意球十八般武艺样样精通,但现在断言他们两人谁将载誉而归为时尚早。对应英文:Although ronaldo left foot, right foot, header, penalty kick and legendary weapons of China know everything, but now assert that the two of them who will honor too.

他十八般武艺, 样样精通。对应英文:His legendary weapons of China, master.

对了,你能给我介绍一下什么是十八般武艺吗?对应英文:By the way, can you tell me something about what is a legendary weapons of China?

而且不管哪个时代讲的十八般武艺都远未包括当时的所有器械。对应英文:But no matter which era legendary weapons of China are not including all the instruments of that time.

中国各个历史时期所列举的十八般武艺,内容均不尽相同。对应英文:China's legendary weapons of China listed in the different historical period, the content is not the same.

俗语十八般武艺shí bā bān wǔ yì是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/42.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。


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