

十年如一日对应英文:Ten years like one day

格雷格提到,二十年如一日地为同一个项目工作,实在是有点漫长,李纳斯有没有想过是否要继续下去?对应英文:Greg mentioned, twenty years like one day to work for the same project, it is a bit long, Linus ever thought whether to continue?

十年如一日,福川科技时刻把用户的需求放在第一位,运用独特的设计理念不断满足市场、引导市场;对应英文:Ten years, fortune always put the needs of users as the first science and technology, using the unique design concept constantly meet the market and guide the market;

那个女人把她的一生都奉献给了她所服务的子民,五十年如一日承担着她所不情愿的职责!对应英文:The woman devoted her life to her serve people, and fifty years like one day to her reluctant responsibility!

格雷格提到,二十年如一日地为同一个项目工作,实在是有点漫长,李纳斯有没有想过是否要继续下去?对应英文:Greg mentioned, twenty years like one day to work for the same project, it is a bit long, Linus ever thought whether to continue?

十年如一日,福川科技时刻把用户的需求放在第一位,运用独特的设计理念不断满足市场、引导市场;对应英文:Ten years, fortune always put the needs of users as the first science and technology, using the unique design concept constantly meet the market and guide the market;

那个女人把她的一生都奉献给了她所服务的子民,五十年如一日承担着她所不情愿的职责!对应英文:The woman devoted her life to her serve people, and fifty years like one day to her reluctant responsibility!

而歌者的歌艺也保持水准,唱得动听,而且声音好像十年如一日。对应英文:And singer song art also keep level, singing sound, and sound like ten years like one day.


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