

知其然而不知其所以然对应英文:Learning and don't know why
  【词 目】知其然而不知其所以然
  【读 音】zhī qí rán ér bù zhī qí suǒ yǐ rán
  【释 义】然:这样,如此。知道是这样,但不知道为什么是这样。只知道事物的表面现象,不知事物的本质及其产生的原因。
  【出 处】梁启超《论小说与群治之关系》:“无论为哀为乐,为怨为怒,为恋为骇,为忧为惭,常若知其然而不知其所以然。”




他提醒与会者说,如果就你们知其然而不知其所以然的情况,或许不会产生什么后果;对应英文:He reminded the participants said, if your learning and I don't know why, maybe not what the consequences;

然而“所有人都在‘知其然而不知其所以然’的情况下引用。” 来自加拿大金斯顿皇后大学的Roslyn Dakin说道。对应英文:However "everyone in under the condition of much and don't know why 'references."

他们除了年复一年地接受教师向他们灌输的必学知识以外,一旦问及原由,便知其然而不知其所以然。对应英文:In addition to the year after they accept teachers to educate them learn knowledge, once asked, wisdom originated and don't know why.

他提醒与会者说,如果就你们知其然而不知其所以然的情况,或许不会产生什么后果;对应英文:He reminded the participants said, if your learning and I don't know why, maybe not what the consequences;

然而“所有人都在‘知其然而不知其所以然’的情况下引用。” 来自加拿大金斯顿皇后大学的Roslyn Dakin说道。对应英文:However "everyone in under the condition of much and don't know why 'references."

他们除了年复一年地接受教师向他们灌输的必学知识以外,一旦问及原由,便知其然而不知其所以然。对应英文:In addition to the year after they accept teachers to educate them learn knowledge, once asked, wisdom originated and don't know why.


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