

唯恐天下不乱   拼音:    解释: 恐:恐怕。指希望天下大乱以达到自身的目的。

似乎是唯恐天下不乱,日本的地震学家表示在随后数日内发生更大规模余震的风险相当高。对应英文:Seems to be radical, Japan's seismologists say the risk of a larger aftershocks in the later days is quite high.

较为理智的左派终究会领悟到,希拉里绝对不是保守派漫画中那些唯恐天下不乱者。对应英文:The saner American left is at last waking up to the fact that Hillary was never the radical firebrand of conservative caricature.

就应该让那些唯恐天下不乱的家伙住过来,就住在这里,让他们尝一下战争的滋味。对应英文:Should let the radical guy live, live in here, let them taste the taste of war.

似乎是唯恐天下不乱,日本的地震学家表示在随后数日内发生更大规模余震的风险相当高。对应英文:Seems to be radical, Japan's seismologists say the risk of a larger aftershocks in the later days is quite high.

较为理智的左派终究会领悟到,希拉里绝对不是保守派漫画中那些唯恐天下不乱者。对应英文:The saner American left is at last waking up to the fact that Hillary was never the radical firebrand of conservative caricature.

就应该让那些唯恐天下不乱的家伙住过来,就住在这里,让他们尝一下战争的滋味。对应英文:Should let the radical guy live, live in here, let them taste the taste of war.

这家伙一定不知道帕蒂是那种唯恐天下不乱的人。对应英文:This guy must be don't know Patty is the kind of person who radical.

科学家们去制造这些长着人的器官的嵌合体动物,并不是唯恐天下不乱而去制造怪物。对应英文:Scientists to create a chimeric animal with human organ, not radical and to create a monster.

一个梦想成为全世界最乖的好孩子,另一个却唯恐天下不乱,总幻想平凡的生活中隐藏着无数大冒险。对应英文:A dream of becoming the world's most lovely boy, but another radical, total fantasy hidden countless adventures in ordinary life.

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