

团结就是力量对应英文:Unity is strength

面对灾难,团结就是力量。对应英文:The face of disaster, unity is strength.

市民唱起团结就是力量,距离武警只有100米左右。对应英文:People sing unity is strength, only about 100 meters from the armed police.

“团结就是力量!”就是说明了团队合作的重要性。对应英文:"Unity is strength!"

抗灾救灾和灾后恢复重建的伟大实践再一次告诉我们,团结就是力量,拼搏才能胜利。对应英文:Disaster relief and post-disaster restoration and reconstruction of great practice once again tells us that unity is strength, fight to win.

法国谚语说:团结就是力量。对应英文:French proverb: unity is strength.

整个团队已有近十年的愉快合作历史,并且深信“团结就是力量”这一朴素的道理。对应英文:The whole team has a history of nearly 10 years of pleasant cooperation and firmly believe that "unity is strength" this simple truth.

市民唱起团结就是力量,距离武警只有100米左右。对应英文:People sing unity is strength, only about 100 meters from the armed police.

团结就是力量,为了不吃亏,我们几家小公司必须联合起来。对应英文:Unity is strength, in order not to suffer, we several small companies must unite.

“团结就是力量!”就是说明了团队合作的重要性。对应英文:"Unity is strength!"

因为在北京,所有的人都是非常地热情,他们在一起相处得很融洽,就如中国谚语所说:团结就是力量!对应英文:Because in Beijing, all the people are very enthusiastic, they get along very well together, as a Chinese proverb goes, unity is strength!

本队将会继续秉持著团结就是力量的精神,共同努力,使本队再一次的创造佳绩。对应英文:Team will continue to adhere to the spirit of unity is strength, work together to make the team once again to create success.

通常这就是一个不断团结的力量,超越任何的分别,不再在你们之间造成任何的障碍。对应英文:Usually this is a unity of strength unceasingly, beyond any respectively, will no longer cause any barrier between you.

很多时候人们喜欢整齐划一,误以为团结就是步调一致,这样才有力量,其实恰恰相反,有时混杂凌乱才有生机。对应英文:Many times people like uniformity, mistakenly assume that unity is moving in tandem, so didn't have the strength, instead, sometimes mixed with messy life.

我们有一种力量,那就是只要我们团结起来,就能克服各种困难。对应英文:We have a kind of power, that is, as long as we unite, we can overcome all kinds of difficulties.

集团上下目标一致﹐团结合作﹐方能产生前进的力量﹐制度就是企业所有雇员行动的方向﹐行为的规则﹐是维系公司上下的纽带。对应英文:Group goals up and down, solidarity and cooperation, the driving force to bear, system is the direction of the enterprise all employees action, rules of behavior, is the holding company.

橄榄枝和利箭的意思就是:和平是永远所要追求的,团结是必需的,是力量的保证。对应英文:The olive branch and a sharp arrows mean is: peace is to pursue forever, unity is necessary, is the guarantee of strength.

英国国教徒们恰恰缺乏将这些教堂团结在一起的媒介:这种力量需要通过某种关系发挥作用,也就是对同一种传承所产生家庭般的归属感。对应英文:Anglican will just lack of these churches together medium: the power need to work through some relationship, is on the same kind of inheritance of family sense of belonging.

团结就是力量,合作是唯一选择,发展是首要目标。对应英文:Unity is strength, cooperation is the only choice, development is the primary target.

团结就是力量,团结就是胜利。对应英文:Unity is strength, unity is victory.

来到这个夏令营,我学会了游泳,在各项活动中认识到了团结就是力量,我非常开心!对应英文:Came to the summer camp, I learned how to swim, recognize the unity is strength in the activities, I am very happy!

俗语团结就是力量tuán jié jiù shì lì liàng是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/3.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

《团结就是力量》   团结就是力量   团结就是力量   这力量是铁   这力量是钢   比铁还硬,比钢还强   向着法西斯的开火   让一切不民主的制度死亡!   向着太阳,向着自由   向着新中国发出万丈光芒! ......(结尾)   团结就是力量,   团结就是力量,   这力量是铁,   这力量是钢,   比铁还硬,比钢还强,   向着法西斯的开火,   让一切不民主的制度死亡,   向着太阳,向着自由,   向着太阳,向着自由,   向着太阳,向着自由,   向着新中国发出万丈光芒! 发出万丈光芒!

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