

刀快不怕脖子粗对应英文:The knife fast not thick neck

可能是你的皮肤属于敏感型的吧 好多人都这样 皮肤受不了刺激的 慢慢就会适应了对应英文:May be your skin is sensitive. A lot of people so that the skin will gradually stand stimulation to adapt

一般人脖子的左右两侧都有大动脉,只要割破,离死就不远了。绝对不会像武侠片上那种刀在脖子上划一下就死了。血管割破之后,你的血会喷涌而出,那种感觉很奇怪,我没有经历...对应英文:Most people on both sides of the neck are large artery, as long as the cut, seconds away from death. Not like the knife in the neck of martial arts films draw die. After vascular cut, your blood will spew out, that kind of feeling is very strange, I have no experience...

梦见被刀砍,吉兆,预示着身体会很健康。病人梦见被刀砍,身体不久会康复。梦见别人手被砍,表示你可以领导群众,成就高人一等。梦见自己的手被砍,表示你将有一个强而有力...对应英文:Dream is the sword, auspicious, indicates that the body will be very healthy. The patient is the sword, the body will soon recover. Dream of others hand cut, you can lead the masses regard oneself head and shoulders above others, achievement. Dreamed of his hands were cut down, that you will have a strong...

我看了二十多集,都没看到掐脖子的片段,估计没有掐人的镜头。对应英文:I see two sets, did not see the neck pinch fragments, estimated no pinching lens.

两种情况 单抹到气管,脑供不上氧,会死 气管旁边就是大动脉,一起抹到,出血不止,一样会死。几分钟内,抢救及时不会死对应英文:Two kinds of single wipe to the trachea, brain for no oxygen, die trachea is next to the large artery, with wiping, bleeding, you will die. Within a few minutes, the timely rescue will not die

颈部护理须知 颈部在人体学上是一个"多事三角区",颈部前面皮肤的皮脂腺和汗腺的数量只有面部 的三分之一,...用脖子夹着电话听筒,"煲电话粥"。 ' 不喜欢戴围巾,...对应英文:Neck care for the neck is a "much triangle" in the body, the neck skin in front of the number of sebaceous glands and sweat glands is only 1/3 of the face,... With the neck sandwiched telephone handset, "on the phone". 'didn't like wearing a scarf,...

但是千万不能太劳累,不能熬夜。脖子上神经比较多长好比较慢的。耐心点慢慢来。 具体什么食物没有吧就多吃点好吃的,早上喝咱家磨的豆浆,晚上喝牛奶,多吃水果就好对应英文:But don't too tired, do not stay up late. Neck nerve is how long good slow. Patient take it easy. What specific food not to eat something delicious, drink my morning grinding Soybean Milk, at night to drink milk, eat more fruit

很简单,电动剃须刀 是把皮肤压住 使胡子更多的从肉里 伸出来 然后挂掉。 由于皮肤的弹性 没了胡子的支撑 长胡子的汗腺孔 会缩小。 由于胡子是平着刮去的 胡子的顶端是...对应英文:Very simple, the electric shaver is the skin down to beard more meat from the inside out and then hang up. The sweat gland pore skin elasticity does not support long beard beard will shrink. The beard is the top flat scrape beard is...

可能是压力大了点,以后睡觉的时候别把头塞到枕头下面睡觉就好了,呼吸不畅会做类似的脖子出血啊,被勒住之类的梦。对应英文:May be the pressure point, after sleeping of time don't head into the pillow to sleep good, shortness of breath will do similar neck hemorrhage ah, be like his dream.

我都看到集了,也没有掐脖子的镜头啊对应英文:I have seen set, no neck pinch lens


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