

技多不压人对应英文:More pressure on people not technology

叫"艺多不压身",意即手艺人有一技之长,社会存活能力强。 另一句谚语,"艺高人胆大"。它的含义可以有两个方面。 一方面是激励。它鼓励人们好好的磨练技艺,达到出神入化...对应英文:Called "skill is no burden", which means the craftsmen have proficiency in a particular line, social survival ability. Another proverb, "bold art expert". It means there are two aspects. One is the incentive. It encourages people to hone skills, to reach the acme of perfection...

"艺多不压身",意即手艺人有一技之长,社会存活能力强。 另一句谚语,"艺高人胆大"。它的含义可以有两个方面。 一方面是激励。它鼓励人们好好的磨练技艺,达到出神入化的...对应英文:"Hearts are more than body", which means the craftsmen have proficiency in a particular line, social survival ability. Another proverb, "bold art expert". It means there are two aspects. One is the incentive. It encourages people to hone skills, to reach the acme of perfection...

这是个矛盾,主要看自己怎么把握,个人的修为如何了。它是把双刃剑,能成就一个人,也能毁掉一个人!多学点就多一份收获多一点保障多一点视野,但多而不专多而不精也是有可...对应英文:This is a contradiction, mainly to see how their grasp, how individual behavior. It is a double-edged sword, can make a person, also can destroy a person! Learn more of a harvest more security more vision, but not many and not essence of life is possible...

" "对应英文:""

俗话说技不压身 但是在你决心要学某样技能的时候,就应潜心把它学透。 不能学到三分样就觉得自己行了,又觉得其它技术也不错,又换了另一行,这样学点儿,那样学点,结果都...对应英文:As the saying goes, when skill is no burden but determined to learn some skills in your, should devote themselves to learn it. Can't learn three kind of feel the line, and that the other technology is also good, and another line, such as learn something, learn, results...

原意是技术多了不会让你觉得心里有压力。指你学到的技术越多越好,有技术在身就不怕丢饭碗,更不会担心找不到工作。对应英文:Original intention is the technology more won't let you feel the pressure. The more you learn the better technology, a technology in itself is not afraid of losing their jobs, not to worry about not find work.

有饭碗在手,多了不会让你觉得压在身上有压力,民谚有句话说"技多不压身"是一样的对应英文:A job in the hand, more not let you feel the pressure on the body pressure, Minyan saying "not pressure are more technical" is the same

朋友你说的很对,艺典艺术培训中心 就很不错,我家宝贝就是在那里了,学校各方面都很不错哦,你可以去看看对应英文:Friend, you said it right, Yidian art training center is very good, my baby is in there, the school is very good Oh, you can go to have a look

我估计你是想接着继续问我这个问题的,不好意思我今天才看到。 .与口译不是一条路,交传与同传的技能差异很大,这些我已经在上个问题中解答过了。 .你以后从事什么...对应英文:I guess you want then proceeded to ask me this question, I feel shy to see today. . and interpretation is not a road, skill difference of consecutive and simultaneous large, these I have to answer a question in a. What you will do...

臭大街了,这点要考虑进去。 如果没工作有男友,学工作相关,学海无涯。英语、职业技能。 如果有工作没男友,学让自己变美的东西。 男人都说喜欢贤妻良母,那是一说,他们都...对应英文:The dirty, it should be taken into account. If you don't work with her boyfriend, learn to work, no end for learning. English skill, occupation. If there is no boyfriend work, learn to let oneself become beautiful. Men can say love as an understanding wife and loving mother, that is to say, they are...


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