

天下最毒妇人心对应英文:The world's most toxic woman heart

"天下最毒妇人心"是男人说的话,"无毒不丈夫"也是男人说的话。。。 明显可以看出男人心最毒了。。。 并且中...稍稍有一点心狠的表现就认为是个"蛇蝎妇人"。 其次还一个原...对应英文:"The world's most infamous people" is the man said, "no not husband" is also the man said... Obviously we can see that the heart of a man the most toxic... And... Were a little stingy performance is considered a "moral woman". Secondly, one of the original...

子牙叹曰。「青竹蛇儿口,黄蜂尾上针。两般由是可,最毒妇人心」 马氏收拾回家,改节去了不题。 意思天下最毒之人莫过与妇人 出自《二刻拍案惊奇》 卷之十 赵五虎合...对应英文:Ziya sigh. "Bamboo snake mouth, wasp tail needle. Two, by is available, a poison women most heart "Markov to pack up and go home, reform to go without question. The world's most toxic person meaning than a woman from the "two minute strike the table in surprise" volume ten Zhao Wuhu...

此言意思是说女人的心最狠。当然这是以偏盖全,是偏见。 "两般尤未可"中两般指前面提到的两种毒物,这不用解释了。尤意思是"还"、"尚",未意思是"不",可在这里是一个程度...对应英文:This means that the heart of a woman the most ruthless. Of course, this is the whole picture, is prejudice. "Two - especially not" as two refers to the two kind of poison mentioned before, it didn't have to explain. You mean "also", "Shang", not meaning "no", but here is a degree...

两般由是可,最毒妇人心 最毒妇人心--的出处 ...... 马氏曰「妾身原是朝歌女子,那里去离乡背井子牙从实些写一纸休书与我,各自投生,我决不去。」子牙曰「娘子随我去好...对应英文:Two, by is available, a poison women most heart poison women most heart - source... "The Qie body is Markov, Chaoge woman, there to exile Ziya from real writing a paper divorcement and I, each incarnation, I will not go. "Ziya said:" the lady with me...

黄蜂尾上针,两般皆是可,最毒妇人心 那是姜子牙得罪的纣王,准备逃往西岐,临行正在为他老婆烦恼,好在夫妻一...享天下荣华的,但有十年是诸事不成的。 见到他妻子,还没等他说...对应英文:The wasp tail needle, two, is the most poisonous heart woman can, that is Jiang Ziya against King Zhou, ready to flee to the West Qi, they are his wife worry, but one... The world enjoy the glory, but ten years is definitely not a. See his wife, has not waited for him to say...

是无法用语言说出的坏。对应英文:Is unable with the language to say bad.

." 由于"最毒妇人心"在汉语里也并非把天下的女人骂尽,而只是陈述一种可能性的问题,所以这里用" "是完全可以说得过去的.对应英文:. "due to" poison women most heart "in the Chinese language is not the woman scolded, but a statement of the question of the possibility, so here" "is entirely plausible

既然这么痛苦就放弃吧 天涯何处无芳草对应英文:Since it is so painful give up plenty of other fish in the sea

子牙叹曰。「青竹蛇儿口,黄蜂尾上针。两般由是可,最毒妇人心」 马氏收拾回家,改节去了不题。 意思天下最毒之人莫过与妇人对应英文:Ziya sigh. "Bamboo snake mouth, wasp tail needle. Two, by is available, a poison women most heart "Markov to pack up and go home, reform to go without question. The world's most toxic person meaning than a woman

黄蜂尾后针,两着尤自可,最毒妇人心 出自,《封神演义》 姜尚休马氏曰青竹蛇儿口,黄蜂尾后针,两着尤自可,... 意思天下最毒之人莫过与妇人 出自《二刻拍案惊奇》 卷之十...对应英文:The Hornets after needle, especially since two, the most toxic woman heart out, "Fengshen Kingdoms" Jiang Xiumashi said bamboo snake mouth, the Hornets after needle, especially since two, the world's most toxic person... Meaning than a woman from the "two minute strike the table in surprise" volume ten...


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