

兵靠将带对应英文:Soldiers will take on

打黄巾带步兵,国战带骑兵。楼上瞎说,你貂蝉靠敏捷发动技能你还脱鞋子你没技能你拿什么顶你如果只是为了打黄巾问这问题,我告诉你首先你要有两个肉盾,高顺和貂蝉。另...对应英文:A blow with infantry, cavalry in the war zone. Upstairs talking about, you Diao Chan rely on Quick Launch skills you have shoes you have no skill you take what you if only to hit the Yellow turban ask this question, I tell you, first you have to have two meat shield, Gao Shun and Diao Chan. The other...

,兵线太靠前的情况,边路时,一人继续在前线,一人回去卡下拨兵,优势路可选择拉野 ,中路反补操作要多于正补,有助于拉回兵线,并适当回撤卡兵线 ,对线时期多自己小兵,不...对应英文:Pawn line, too near the front of the case, the flank, a continued at the front, a back card advantage by soldiers, choices pull, anti complement operation than the road is complementary, help push back the soldiers line, and the appropriate withdrawal card soldiers line, the line period more than their own soldiers, not...

其实根据你自己属性带带不同枪兵试试效果就知道,而且临场话兵也是可以的,为了适应怪的特点嘛 当然挺不住,你都挺不住还指望他一直帮你扛……可以给佣兵喝血,比如你喝血...对应英文:In fact, according to your own property with different Marines try try will know, and on-the-spot words soldiers can be, in order to adapt to the strange characteristic of course is not to live, you cannot stand still hope he always help you carry...... Can give the mercenary drink blood, such as you drink blood...

并不是很难... 因为大家都是退伍军人,学历都不是很高,不会出现和大学生一起考试的场面...题目相对也简单的多..只要高中毕业岁内退伍军人就可以报名!不过现在报名已经...对应英文:And not very difficult... Because we are veterans, degree is not very high, much.. does not appear and students together with an examination of the scene... Subject relatively simple just graduated from high school a year old veterans can sign up! But now registration has been...

有专用的拆弹钳、比如来泽曼的工具钳对应英文:A special bomb clamp tool pliers, Brule Zeman

锤子 个人就能横扫地狱,根本不需要(想带也就随便哪个都行) 双热的,因为本身高攻高防,带普通难度(基础属性高)第二幕攻击型(祝福瞄准光环),增加对的命中率。...对应英文:A person can sweep away the hell, don't need (want to take it any one will do) double hot, because of their high attack high defense, with normal difficulty (basic attribute high) act second attack (blessed aim), increase the hit rate of the. ...

要统帅更多的兵..在不用修改器的情况下有两种方法,在人物属性里加统御..但我不建议你用这个..因为点统御只能多加个兵..而技能点是很珍贵的..用在这上面会浪费..为什...对应英文:To marshal more soldiers.. in without modifying the two methods for the case, in the character of Riga governing.. but I don't recommend you use this command can only add.. because some soldiers.. and skill points is very precious. On top of this will waste.. why...

当兵后考军校实力+关系! 当兵后考军校还是比较容易的,但是名额有限,是选拔优秀的士兵报考军校,不是每个人都有机会的!不但你自己要努力成为优秀的士兵,而且你们家也得...对应英文:The army military strength after the test! After a soldier military school is relatively easy, but places are limited, is the selection of outstanding soldiers apply for military, not everyone has the opportunity! Not only you should strive to become good soldiers, but you have to...

、要看你是哪个省的。 、这个分数是每年都在变化的。要看当年的考生情况或该省的录取人员数。因为每年廊坊武警学院都会分配名额给各省,竞争主要是来自本省,比如今年...对应英文:, to see which province are you. This score is, every year to change. To see the situation of the year or the province examinee admission personnel number. Because every year the Langfang Police College will be allocated to the provinces, the competition is mainly from the province, such as this...

必需有名士称号才不减金,每次战斗时,兵粮是根据你的持有金来看的,建议你多做任务,或有两方交战时帮助一方获胜,高功勋会给你钱,兵粮靠的就是金钱。对应英文:A famous name must not only reduce gold, every battle, soldiers grain is based on your hold gold to see, I suggest you do the task, or the two party war help one wins, high service will give you money, soldiers grain is on the money.


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