

母行千里儿不愁对应英文:The mother line thousands of miles, not worry

表面上是子女出门在外,父母在家不是担心、就是牵挂,相反的父母在外,做子女的却不是如此…此话应了那句'可怜天下父母心啊'主要是表达父母对子女那份爱的伟大,并未包含...对应英文:On the surface, the children go out in the outside, parents at home and not worry about, is worried about, instead of parents, children are not so... This should be the phrase 'pitiful world parents heart' is the main expression of parents to their children the love of the great, does not contain...

子女出行父母在家万分牵挂、担心而相反的,当父母远行时子女往往就没有如此的牵挂。 真是可怜天下父母心啊~对应英文:The children travel very worry, worry about their parents at home and on the contrary, when parents travel children often have no cares. Really pitiful world parents heart ~

没听过母行千里儿不愁/不过我想这句话的意思应该这么理解.母亲出门之前已经给儿子准备好了需要的一切,才会安心放心的出行的.儿子如果出行母亲不在身边,无法预料需要些...对应英文:Haven't heard not sorrow / parent line thousands of miles, but I think it should be so understanding. Mother before going out has to son ready all the necessary, will be at ease go. Son if you travel, mother not at nearby, unforeseen need some...

"儿行千里母担忧,母行千里儿不愁"。 应该没有作者的说法,这是俗话来的。对应英文:"Erhangqianli mother worries, mother traveling thousands of miles, do not worry". There should be no argument of the author, this is a to.

这已经成为一种习惯了,从小就认为父母是大人了,不需要我们孩子的担心,久而久之,等到我们长大了,还是有那样的习惯,要改,需要心去重新感受! 而我自己对...对应英文:This has become a habit, I think that parents are adults, we need not worry about children, in the course of time, when we grow up, still have that habit, want to change, need heart to feel! But my right...

母行千里儿不愁对应英文:The mother line thousands of miles, not worry

"   用法作宾语、定语用于母子关系,常与"母行千里儿不愁"连用。我们的老祖宗非常智慧,对伦理看的很透。母亲牵挂儿子,正是母爱的伟大之处而儿子对母亲的不孝敬,...对应英文:"Use as object, attribute for the mother child relationship, often with" mother traveling thousands of miles, do not worry. ". Our ancestors are intelligent, on ethics very thoroughly. Mother worried about his son, is the great maternal love and the son of the mother's not filial piety,...

可怜天下父母心对应英文:Pitiful world parents heart

儿行千里路母亲对儿子的思念之情。两种不同对比,儿子对母亲爱很单薄的, 所以说母行万里儿不知愁和挂念的心都没有。对应英文:Son of a thousand miles the mother of his son's love. Two different contrast, the son of the mother love is thin, so that the parent bank million in what sorrow and worry do not mind.

' - '对应英文:'-'


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