

风马牛不相及对应英文:And the wind horse
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    fēng mǎ niú bù xiāng jí
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医院,是重病患者忍受病痛,接受治疗的场所,如果真有两种风马牛不相及的事物,那只能是,医院和幽默。对应英文:Hospital, was seriously ill patients endure pain, treatment sites, if there are two different phase and things, that can only be, hospitals and humor.

所有这些看起来风马牛不相及的观点齐聚一堂来讨论递归结构,心灵,人工智能和计算。对应英文:All of these look goes and views gathered to discuss recursive structure, heart, artificial intelligence and computing.

许多东西和科学家们根本风马牛不相及。对应英文:A lot of things and scientists simply goes and.

医院,是重病患者忍受病痛,接受治疗的场所,如果真有两种风马牛不相及的事物,那只能是,医院和幽默。对应英文:Hospital, was seriously ill patients endure pain, treatment sites, if there are two different phase and things, that can only be, hospitals and humor.

所有这些看起来风马牛不相及的观点齐聚一堂来讨论递归结构,心灵,人工智能和计算。对应英文:All of these look goes and views gathered to discuss recursive structure, heart, artificial intelligence and computing.

最雷人的还是,这么一个专业还要花许多精力讨论风马牛不相及的道德的作用,并列在头天日程中。对应英文:The most shocking or, so a professional but also spend a lot of energy to discuss different phase and the role of morality, tied in the schedule before.

对于Bialik博士来说,科学和表演行业并不是风马牛不相及的。对应英文:For her part, Dr. Bialik doesn science and show business is not a horse and the wind.

成语“风马牛不相及”的典故,就是源于这一次交战前的唇枪舌剑。对应英文:The idiom "goes and allusions, is originated from this a battle before the angry.

经理人需要反馈,即使这些反馈意见失之偏颇、粗鲁无礼、风马牛不相及或文不对题,而且大部分时候的确如此。对应英文:Managers need feedback, even if it's biased, rude, different phase and/or irrelevant, and most of the time.

只有当我们去远离人类文明的海边或者山中度过一个假期的时候,我们才意识到电视和真实生活是多么风马牛不相及。对应英文:Only when we go to far away from the human civilization spend a holiday by the sea or the mountains, we didn't realize how much TV and real life goes.

表面上看,这两种人格是风马牛不相及的,但它们却可以在热爱自由和生性浪漫的个性上达成统一。对应英文:On the surface, these two kinds of personality is a horse and the wind, but they can be in love freedom and agree on the natural disposition romantic personality.

让流行歌星菲姬担当雅芳小姐是一件常人看来风马牛不相及的事情。不过她最近已经和雅芳签约来发布她的第一款香水。对应英文:Let miss bear pop singer fergie, Avon is a horse and susceptible to wind.

我当然绝非暗示卫慧是鲍勃。狄伦,那可风马牛不相及。对应英文:Of course I'm not suggest that wei hui is Bob.

最好的想法并不是你期望有就会产生的,并且看起来可能和你试图思考的是风马牛不相及的,这是很普遍的情况。对应英文:Best ideas is not awaits you can produce, and may seem and you try to think of is the horse and the wind, it is a very common situation.

可能是风马牛不相及的,或者它可能是红斑性丘疹性病变,或可触及性紫癜。对应英文:May be a horse and the wind, or it may be erythema papule lesions, or can hit a sexual purpura.

电饭煲和计算机这两个风马牛不相及的东西,被乔布斯联想在了一同。对应英文:Rice cooker and computer the two goes and things, be jobs in the together.

古典、精致、优雅的维多利亚哥特,和前卫、毛糙、尖锐的铆钉头似乎是风马牛不相及的两种类型。对应英文:The Victorian gothic of classic, delicate, elegant, and avant-garde, coarse, pointed rivet head wind seems to be the horse and two types.

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