

利欲熏心心渐黑对应英文:Acquisitiveness smoked heart fade to black

利欲熏心 利欲熏心 ( ì ù ū ī ) 解 释 利名利欲欲望熏侵袭。贪财图利的欲望迷住了心窍。 出 ..." 近义词 唯利是图、见利忘义 反义词 克己奉公、大公无私 例...对应英文:Be reckless with greed be reckless with greed (ì í ū ī) explained Lee secret desire smoked invasion. With the desire to sell out to convenience the head. ... "synonyms, antonyms, seek nothing but profits forget honour at the prospect of profits wholehearted devotion to public duty selfless example...

您好,三星水货的价格都不低于.,多的百分之百是山寨高仿机,不用看的。,山寨机的系统也是使用安卓,界面模仿的比较像,不熟悉的很容易被骗。小米质量一般,配置好...对应英文:Hello, Samsung smuggled goods prices are not lower than one hundred percent., many copycat high copy machine, not looking. Copycat machine, system is using the Android, interface copying like, not familiar with the very easily deceived. Millet quality generally good, configuration...

一小部分人利欲熏心心渐黑,加之现在社会现象的透明度高了,焦点集中在黑暗面上也多。对应英文:A small number of people acquisitiveness smoked heart fade to black, and now the social phenomenon of high transparency, focus on the dark side of it.

为了满足自己的欲望,达到自己的目的,人甚至会不惜采用一切手段,利欲熏心心渐黑,开始变得盲目变得自私变得贪婪,可是这已经晚了,停不下来了,因为做过的很多事无法挽回,...对应英文:In order to satisfy own desire, reach own purpose, even at the expense of by all means, acquisitiveness smoked heart gradually, become blind become selfish and greedy, but it's already late, can't stop, because many things done cannot be undone,...

我们都爱我们的孩子,希望他们能成长的健康快乐,可是现在的社会环境是礼崩乐坏,利欲熏心心渐黑。商人为了利益、光腚肿菊为了让我们的下一代更好的被控制,没有自己的思...对应英文:We all love our children, hope they can grow up healthy and happy, but now the social environment is the falling of ceremony, acquisitiveness, heart dark. Merchants in order to benefit, bare buttocks swollen chrysanthemum in order for our next generation to better control, not yourself...

黑掉的日本国旗黑客攻击,将网页里的红色代码修改成黑色代码的结果公章利欲熏心心渐黑的交易,大大的黑色覆盖了权利的印章深邃黑暗给了你黑色的眼睛,要你来寻找光明...对应英文:The Japanese flag hackers black out, will Webpage red in the code into a black code results seal acquisitiveness smoked heart darkening trading, big black covered the right seal deep darkness gives you a black eye, want you to find the light...

强烈地抨击了复辟王朝时期贵族的反动,教会的黑暗和资产阶级新贵的卑鄙庸俗,利欲熏心。因此小说虽以于连的爱情生活作为主线,但它不是爱情小说,而是一部"政治小说"红与...对应英文:Strongly attacked the noble dynastic period of the restoration of reactionary, mean vulgar darkness of the church and the bourgeois upstarts, be reckless with greed. Therefore, although the novel to his love life as the main line, but it's not a love story, but a "political novel" the red and...

如果不是羞耻意识荡然无存的话,上文所举那些"无耻之徒"也不至于如此自鸣得意,招摇过市社会上那些利欲熏心、坑蒙拐骗、奴颜媚骨的人,脸皮不会如此之厚,心不会如此之黑...对应英文:If all gone is not shame consciousness, cited above, those "shameless" also not be so sing one's own praises, those who be reckless with greed, bluff and deceive people in society, sycophancy or obsequiousness swagger through the streets, not so thick skinned, the heart will not so black...

强烈地抨击了复辟王朝时期贵族的反动,教会的黑暗和资产阶级新贵的卑鄙庸俗,利欲熏心。因此小说虽以于连的爱情生活作为主线,但它不是爱情小说,而是一部"政治小说" 红与...对应英文:Strongly attacked the noble dynastic period of the restoration of reactionary, mean vulgar darkness of the church and the bourgeois upstarts, be reckless with greed. Therefore, although the novel to his love life as the main line, but it's not a love story, but a "political novel" the red and...

但是,纸醉金迷、利欲熏心的上流社会也腐蚀了于连的灵魂,助长了他向上爬的欲望和野心。 于连进入阴森恐怖的神学院后,亲眼目睹了勾心斗角、尔虞我诈的丑恶内幕,于是他便...对应英文:However, lead a voluptuous life be reckless with greed, upper class in society corrupts even the soul, he contributed to the upward desire and ambition. Even in the dark terror Seminary, witnessed the infighting, reveals the ugly inside, so he...


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