

不言不语心计多对应英文:Utter not a single word was more

多应念得脱空经,是那个先生教底 不茶不饭,不言不语,一味供他憔悴。相思已是不曾闲,又那得功夫咒你。 陆游...语言通俗,文意浅白,几乎全用口语,不假雕饰,更不隐晦完全出于...对应英文:How should read through the void, Mr bottom neither drink nor eat, utter not a single word, a taste for his haggard. Love is never idle, but also the Kung Fu curse you. Lu You... Popular language, the pale, almost entirely with spoken language, do not leave carving, more not obscure entirely...

多应念得脱空经,是那个先生教底   不茶不饭,不言不语,一味供他憔悴。相思已是不曾闲,又那得功夫咒你。...语言通俗,文意浅白,几乎全用口语,不假雕饰,更不隐晦完全出于...对应英文:How should read through the void, Mr bottom neither drink nor eat, utter not a single word, a taste for his haggard. Love is never idle, but also the Kung Fu curse you. Popular language, the meaning of which is..., almost entirely with spoken language, do not leave carving, more not obscure entirely...

我不禁抬起头看着你, 而你并不露痕迹。 虽然不言不语, 叫人难忘记。 那是你的眼神, 明亮又美丽。 啊~~~ 友情天地, 我满心欢喜。象一场细雨洒落我心底, 那感觉如此神...对应英文:I can not help but raised his head and looked at you, and you are not a trace. Although the utter not a single word, hard to forget. That is your eyes, bright and beautiful. Ah ~ ~ ~ friendly world, I was filled with joy. Like a rain in my heart, it felt so god...


不言不语都是好风景这句话更偏向佛教的主观世界的意味,是作者赏风景是的恬淡的心情以及对人生的大彻大悟的表达,不言不语并不是表示别人不说话的样子而是表示自己心情...对应英文:Utter not a single word is good this sentence more Buddhist subjective world is the means, enjoy the scenery is a tranquil mood and expression of life greatly discerning and apprehending, utter not a single word was not the others not talking but says his heart...

不要这样不说话 不要这样不回答 不要这样错过他 你爱他沉默也不是办法 你爱他为什么不言不语吖 季节在不停的在变化 你还是长大 不要辜负了你的牵挂 沉默还是等待想不...对应英文:Don't don't do not talk so don't answer don't miss him you love him silence is not the answer you love why did he utter not a single word a season in the non-stop change or grow up in you don't disappoint my silence you or wait not to...

我的心唱首歌给你听歌词是如此的甜蜜可是我害羞我没有勇气对你说一句我爱你(卓文萱)为什么你还是不言不语难道(是)你不懂我的心不管你用什么方式表明我会对你说我愿意...对应英文:My heart sing you a song lyrics is so sweet, but I'm shy I have no courage to say to you I love you (Genie Zhuo) why you utter not a single word is (are) you don't understand my heart no matter you that I will say to you I am willing to use what way...

不言不语离不开 互相伤害 .到底我已经不是 想哭就哭的小孩 .一点点伤害 应该躲得开 .也许我放弃忍耐 时间会过得更快 .一个人不快 还...对应英文:Utter not a single word cannot do without hurting each other. What I have not cry cry baby. A bit of damage should avoid. Maybe I give up endurance time will be faster. A person not soon...

何况这些日子 不曾有关心 最后你竟然 让背叛悄悄靠近 你甜言蜜语我不言不语 我们又继续陷入一场爱情拉拒 你说她爱你爱得很费力 我对你来说到底又能算个什么 我撑不下...对应英文:Besides these days do not have care at last you have betrayed crept closer to you speak sugared words I utter not a single word we continued to fall into a love stayed shut you said she love you so hard I for you in the end is what I can not...

你甜言蜜语我不言不语不能让和平再强词夺理决定却完全再遇你我不会影响你一路沉默到底你三心二意我低声下气我已经变得不象我自己继续撑下去更没有离开你的勇气现在还...对应英文:You speak sugared words I utter not a single word can't make peace to use lame arguments and perverted logic decision was completely meet you again I will not affect your way whether you be of two minds I humble silence I had become not as I continue to hold more did not leave your courage now...


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