

蜂勤蜜多对应英文:Bee honey more frequently

用料高贵,工艺考究,运用蜂蜜结晶的原理制作的结晶蜜,其质地如脂一样细,颜色如雪一样白,故称为雪蜜。 《源...黑蜂是蜜蜂中的优良品种,特点是体大,全身黑色,耐寒,繁殖力强...对应英文:Noble material, workmanship, by using the principle of honey crystallization of honey production, such as fat as fine texture, color such as white as snow, so called snow honey. "Source... Black bee is an excellent variety of bee, is characterized by large, black body, cold resistant, strong reproduction...

也许和你的不一样。是青海的东方中华蜜蜂。如果你的也是。而且是成熟蜜,蜜蜂没有生病的话明年我要。我们到时候可以商量下价格。如果真的好的话,我年年都要。对应英文:Maybe you are not the same. Qinghai Oriental APIs cerana. If you are. But mature honey, bees have no ill words next year I want to. We can negotiate the price. If it is good, I am from year to year.

泉州晋江莲屿金坑养蜂场王师傅说关键是蜂蜜的浓度要高,意蜂蜜和中蜂蜜,质量都差不多。对应英文:Quanzhou Jinjiang Lian Yu Jin Keng apiary Master Wang said the key was higher concentration of honey honey, honey and in meaning, are of equal quality.

送材料给 索西亚 莎兰 奥菲莉亚 奥尔卡 博肯 布莱斯 泽丁 马琳对应英文:Send material to Socia Sarang O Philia orca burken soding Ma Lin Brice

缺蜜时,用饲喂器盛蜂蜜置于蜂箱内蜂箱内饲喂。饲喂宜在夜间和每次饲喂量应可供蜂群食用~为宜。 (二)繁...,从强群提出~框粉蜜多的封盖子脾,带蜂放入只优质王台(...对应英文:Short of honey, honey in the hive with feeder Sheng in the hive feeding. Feeding should be at night and each feeding amount shall be available for the colony to be edible. (two) numerous..., from strong group proposed ~ box honey powder much cover sub spleen, with bee into high-quality Wang Tai (...

看花多不多 没 花采得喂白糖 花季旺盛期一天一箱蜂能产斤左右蜜糖 呵呵对应英文:To see the many not the flower feeding Sugar Blossom exuberant period one day a hive can produce catties honey oh

现在的蜂箱都是标准蜂箱,里面最多也就能容纳下万只左右的蜜蜂,而且这是很少见的,因为到了这个数目是它们就开始闹分裂了,一分就变成两箱,数目就降下来了. 一箱里面到...对应英文:Now the hives are standard hives, which at most can also accommodate million or so the bees, but this is very rare, because by this number is they began to split, one becomes two box, the number dropped to a box...

现在淘宝上卖蜂蜜的卖家是不少,可是掺假的现像也不少,我都喝了好多年蜂蜜了,也一直在寻找一个好卖家,寻找一种儿时在乡下时喝蜂蜜的那种感觉,可是一直也没有找到,也换...对应英文:Now selling honey Taobao the seller is many, but the adulteration is like many, I drank a lot of years honey, have been looking for a good seller, looking for a child to drink honey in the country when the feeling, but has not found, but also for...

采得百花成蜜后,意思就是历经辛苦,终于到了修成正果的时候,谁为辛苦谁为甜 意思是 换来的不一定的幸福。得到幸福的也许是枉然对应英文:Picking flowers into honey, meaning that after hard work, finally time to airness, who is who is meant for hard sweet not happiness. Happiness may be in vain

第十签、下下、游蜂作蜜。圣意不论平地与山尖、无限风光总被占、采得百花成蜜后、与谁辛苦与谁甜。谋望托人去作心中事、早早回头归故乡、口好怎知心不好、痴心且去...对应英文:The tenth sign, next, bees make honey. St. Italy regardless of plain and pediment, unlimited scenery always occupied, picking flowers into honey, and who worked so hard and who is sweet. At heart, to seek a thing back home early, well how close is not good, infatuation and go...


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