

帅旗一倒千军溃对应英文:Handsome flag down for the failure

又如旌旄(古代用牦牛尾与羽毛装饰的军旗,或代指各种旗帜)旌羽(旌旗。因有羽饰,故称) 古代旗的总称〖...帅旗指挥军队的旗帜 大破遂军,得其旌麾。--《三国志·夏侯渊...对应英文:And as an old (ancient yak tail and feather flag, or to refer to the various flags) Jing Yu (flags. Because there is a so called), ancient flag collectively "... Handsome flag command the army flag broken and army, the army. -- "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Xiahou Yuan...

可以成功的反迂回,而且赚功绩,所以最废材的,就派去反迂回把. ,帅旗要小心不要让敌人夺了.最好设一队兵坚守,因为一离开,往往回防很慢.而敌人骑兵老是夺帅棋,砍几下,...对应英文:Can be successful anti roundabout, and earn merit, so the waste material, sent to detour., handsome flag must be careful not to let the enemy took a team of soldiers. The best stick, because of a left back, often very slowly. While the enemy cavalry always deprived of chess, cut a few,...

大将平安击破朱棣后阵,大都督瞿能冲入朱棣本阵,即将取胜之时,忽然刮起一阵大风,吹断了李景隆的帅旗,李景隆万南军瞬间不战而溃。 夹河之战,盛庸阵斩朱棣首席大将张玉...对应英文:The general peace break Yongle array, Dadudu Qu can into the Yongle this array, will win when, all of a sudden gust of wind, blowing off the Li Jinglong flag Shuai, Li Jinglong thousand Confederate instant collapse without a battle. Clip river battle array, Sheng Yong cut Yongle chief General Zhang yu...

子玉急命左军并力前进。晋军上军故意打着帅旗,往后撤退。楚左军又陷于晋国伏击圈,又遭歼灭。等子玉率中军赶到,晋军三军合力,已把子玉团团围住。子玉这才发现,右军、...对应英文:Zi Yu nasty life left army and advance. The Jin army Army deliberately and handsome flag, retreats. Chu Zuojun has a Jin ambush ring, was annihilated. The sub jade rate army arrived, Jin army military force, surrounded by the sub jade has. Zi Yu discovered that, right,...

子玉急命左军并力前进。晋军上军故意打着帅旗,往后撤退。楚左军又陷于晋国伏击圈,又遭歼灭。等子玉率中军...由于庸国奋力抵抗,楚军一时难以推进。庸国在一次战斗中还俘虏...对应英文:Zi Yu nasty life left army and advance. The Jin army Army deliberately and handsome flag, retreats. Chu Zuojun has a Jin ambush ring, was annihilated. The sub jade rate in... Because the mediocre country strive to resist, the Chu army difficult to promote. The country in a battle also captured...

蜀将姜维等遵亮遗命,秘不发丧,缓缓退军。魏军主帅司马懿(仲达)率军追击,却见蜀军帅旗飘扬,孔明纶巾羽扇,端坐车中(实乃木人)。懿恐中计,勒马逃回。百姓为之谚曰"死诸...对应英文:Shu will Jiang Wei as bright Testament, secret not fasang, slowly retreating army. The boss Sima Yi (Zhong Da) rate army pursued, but see fluttering, the Shu army shuaiqi Kong Ming with calm posture, the car in the end (solid wooden). Yi fear Zhongji, Lema fled back to. People are saying "death the...

魏军主帅司马懿(字仲达)率军追击,见蜀军帅旗飘扬,孔明羽扇纶巾坐在车里。司马懿怀疑是孔明用计诱敌,赶紧策马收兵。蜀军得以保全。对应英文:The boss Sima Yi (Zhong Da) rate army pursued, see the handsome Kong Ming Shu army flag, calm in the car. Sima Yi is suspected of Kong Ming for diversion, hurriedly rode up. The Shu army to preserve.

魏军主帅司马懿(字仲达)率军追击,见蜀军帅旗飘扬,孔明羽扇纶巾坐在车里。司马懿怀疑是孔明用计诱敌,赶紧策马收兵。故事出现在罗贯中的小说《三国演义》和《三国志》裴...对应英文:The boss Sima Yi (Zhong Da) rate army pursued, see the handsome Kong Ming Shu army flag, calm in the car. Sima Yi is suspected of Kong Ming for diversion, hurriedly rode up. The story appeared in Luo Guanzhong's novel "the romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" pei...

起义军缴获了孙传庭的帅旗,士气大振,一鼓作气,乘胜攻破潼关。孙传庭与监军副使乔迁高策马大呼,战死阵中。但是孙传庭的尸体一直未找到,以至后来崇祯帝对其下落产生了怀...对应英文:Rebels seized Sun Chuanting's handsome flag, morale, done in one vigorous effort, exploit a victory against Tongguan. Sun Chuanting and Jian Jun Deputy make for high horses screaming, died in the array. But Sun Chuanting's body has not been found, and then the emperor Chongzhen to the whereabouts of the arms...

看,那菊中佳品"绿牡丹",花瓣丰腴,色如翡翠,鲜艳欲滴,惹人喜爱出人头地的"帅旗",蕊黄叶阔,外金内朱,如初升的朝阳,可称得上菊"军"之帅。与"帅旗"相映生辉的是娇柔妩媚的...对应英文:Look, the chrysanthemum in Jiapin "green peony petals, plump, jade green color, delicate and charming, attractive rise head and shoulders above others" Shuai Qi ", core and broad, and gold in Zhu, such as the rising of the sun, may be called" army commander "chrysanthemum. And "Shuai Qi" Xiangying Shenghui is charming...


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