

菩萨面强盗心对应英文:The Buddha of the heart

显菩萨心肠"本是一句中国古语,用来警喻为人处世要刚柔并济,才有奇效。 佛教认为,只要满怀慈悲不起瞋恨,威...讲一个菩萨发现一个商队中混进了一个强盗,这个强盗准备寻机...对应英文:Explicit Bodhisattva "this is a China archaism, used to educational life should be rigid and soft, have the effect. Buddhism believes that, as long as full of compassion not anger, hate, Wei... Tell a Bodhisattva found a caravan infiltrated a robber, the robber to look for an opportunity...

所以附近一村庄的寺庙,就邀请他去雕刻一尊"菩萨的像"。   可是,要到达那村庄,必须越过山头与森林偏偏这...她只身带着女儿翻越山头时,遇上一群强盗,但她无力抵抗,除了...对应英文:So a village near the temple, he was invited to carved a statue of Buddha as "". But, to get the village, must be over the hill and forest but this... She went with her daughter over the hill, met a band of robbers, but she was unable to resist, in addition to...

阿弥陀的意思是无量光寿 发地藏大愿,救度地狱众生的菩萨,都可以说是 地藏菩萨的化身。 等觉菩萨以上的化身...逆的教化,比如横眉竖目做强盗的,就像今天报纸刊登有八个抢银...对应英文:Amitabha means limitless light Shou hair Ksitigarbha vows, save the hell beings of the Buddha, can be said to be the incarnation of Bodhisattva. Enlightenment Bodhisattva incarnation... Above the inverse of the enlightenment, such as the scowl at do bandits, like this newspaper published eight silver grab...

本人如果不信佛 怕是不信 难以理解的如果确有此心 愿信的话建议你 看《地藏菩萨本愿经》 看后你自然会明白怎么回事的 如按《地藏菩萨本愿经》的内容做的话 此梦将永不...对应英文:If I do not fear is not difficult to understand this letter if there is willing to believe if you see "after vows of Jizo" look after you will naturally understand how such as the "content" by Earth Store Bodhisattva the way this dream will never...

玉帝请来佛祖如来,才把孙悟空压在五行山下。  如来派观音菩萨去东土寻一取经人,来西天取经,劝化众生。观...不久,唐僧因悟空又打死拦路强盗,再次把他撵走。六耳猕猴精趁...对应英文:The Jade Emperor invited the Buddha Buddha, before the Sun Wukong pressure in the five mountain. Buddha sent a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva to the east to find a Buddhist scriptures, to the west, and persuaded the living beings. View... Soon, Tang Seng because I killed a highwayman, send him away again. While the six ear macaque sperm...

我把《瑜伽师地论》中的一部分说给你听吧当菩萨碰到强盗们为了贪图财物,而要去大造杀业,见到这样的事当发心思维,我如果断其性命,那么顶多是自己堕落地狱而已,如果放...对应英文:I put "part of yogacarabhumi sastra" in say to listen to to you as the Bodhisattva met robbers to covet wealth, and to build the karma of killing, to see such a thing when thinking, if I break his life, so most is his fall into the hells just, if...

但对于修行佛法的人来说,这其实是菩萨的一种示现方式。菩萨的意思我猜不到,但以我的理解,这其实是让你感受到此生的难得,尤其是前世是强盗,此生还能继续得人身,这说明...对应英文:But for the Buddhist people, this is a manifestation of the Bodhisattva way. Bodhisattva mean I could not guess, but as I understand it, this is to let you feel life is rare, especially the past life is the robber, life will continue to get personal, this shows that...

孙悟空打死了两个强盗, 唐僧念经超度强盗的亡灵 拜惟好汉,我以好话,尔等不听,却遭行者,棍下伤身。你到森...你若不信, 菩萨可以作证嘛, 我这几天一直都在这儿。   沙僧...对应英文:Sun Wukong killed the two robbers, Tang Seng chanting salvation the undead hero worship only, I good, you do not listen, but was walker, under the rod body. You to Sen... If you do not believe, Buddha can testify, the past few days I have been here. Sand monk...

让欺负她变得就像捏饭团一样容易……她是那种会招呼强盗进屋子里坐,还会冲茶招呼强盗,听强盗细说身世的菩萨心肠,如果遇上的是心怀不轨的歹徒,一定会被啃得连骨头也不...对应英文:Let the bully her as easily become like pinch Rice and vegetable roll...... She is the kind of will greet the bandits into the room, will greet the tea, listening to the story on the Bodhisattva, if there is evil gangsters, will be gnawed to even the bones would not...

是人风清月朗,赤子情怀古道热肠,菩萨肝胆。心无尘芥,赤洒洒,净裸裸,宗下所谓上上根器矣。鲁师兄实百八人...越是强盗,越要高举"纪律""法制""道德""廉耻"之大旗,此万世不移...对应英文:Is becoming pure feelings, considerate and warmhearted, Bodhisattva hepatobiliary. Heart clean mustard, red sprinkles, bare naked, were under the so-called on the root device. Lu brother real hundred eight people... The robber, more to hold high the "discipline" and "legal system" "moral" "sense of shame" banner, this will not move...


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