

前脚走后脚来对应英文:On his way back to

前脚短点 ,后脚长点对应英文:Short front legs, long legs

听到正步走的口令后,单兵左脚向正前方踢出约厘米(腿要绷直,脚尖下压,脚掌与地面平行,离地面约厘米),适当用力使全脚掌着地,同时身体重心前移,右脚和左脚动作相同。...对应英文:Heard the goose step after the password, the soldier left to the front kick about cm (legs Bengzhi toes, under pressure, the soles of the feet parallel with the ground, the ground about cm), appropriate force to make the whole foot, at the same time, the body center of gravity moved forward, right foot and left the same action. ...

的受过伤是摔了 还是扭伤 如果是扭伤不容易伤及到骨头 你用热水袋给它浮浮 然后每天给它揉到分钟 每天都拿热水袋浮它的患处对应英文:The injury is dropped or sprain if you sprain is less likely to threaten the bones you give it and then to rub it down every day to minute every day take hot water bag floating it with hot water bag of the affected area

狗狗多大了,如果还没到个月的话,那就是典型的缺钙 如果已经是成犬了的话,那就另当别论了 你伸手摸摸狗狗的腿,看看有没有异状,狗狗会不会痛之类的…… 要轻轻摸 如果...对应英文:A big dog, if not months, that is a typical calcium deficiency if you are into dog's words, that would be a different matter. You reach out and touch the dog leg, have a look there is no abnormal, the dog will not hurt...... Gently touch if...

是缺钙了,多晒太阳,吃钙片加维生素对应英文:Is a calcium deficiency, more than the sun, eat calcium plus vitamin

("前脚跨出大门"是指走出去,"后脚跨进大门"是指退回来) 表现了说这话的人(闻一多先生)不怕牺牲、视死如归、一往无前的革命精神。 (要是牺牲了,就永远回不到原先的大...对应英文:("the front door step" refers to going out, "the foot into the door" refers to the back) showed that person (Mr. Wen Yiduo) are not afraid of sacrifice, take death calmly, the revolutionary spirit of press forward with indomitable will. (if the sacrifice, will never fail to return to the original large...

果腺体已经被阻塞了一段时间,分泌物会象牙膏一样挤出,而不是喷出,通常只用轻轻挤压它们便可流出来。如果犬的肛门腺不好挤,就需要另一种方式,既将食指和拇指放到腺体下...对应英文:The glands have been blocked for a period of time, the secretions as toothpaste extrusion, rather than out, usually only gently squeeze them can flow out. If the dog's anal gland not crowded, we need another way, not only will the index finger and thumb on the glands under...


兔子不大的话不太要紧,他自己会好,不过可能好了的那条腿以后没以前那么壮,你可以好好照顾她,多给他吃点补钙的东西,让她好得快些。 我的小狗小时候被我踩到后腿,当时疼...对应英文:The rabbit is not so don't worry, he will be good, but maybe that leg up when not so strong, you can take good care of her, give him to eat calcium things, let her go. My dog when I stepped on the hind legs, then pain...

你讲的这两种人,实际上是上步过程中的前后两种情形,没有单独存在的可能。如果单独出现了这种情形,那一定是错误的。做上步时是坐实前脚提后脚。而不是坐实后脚提前脚。...对应英文:These two people tell you, actually, before and after the process of two kinds of situations, there are no single may. If separate appeared this kind of situation, it must be wrong. Do step is proposed that front foot. Instead of sitting back foot to foot. ...


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