

人众则成势对应英文:People are potential

天道使他们生(出生、生存),德行抚养了他们,外物使他们成长,形势使他们有成就。因此天下苍生没有不尊奉天道和德行的。大概是说"道""德"是创造生命和教养生命的东西,有了...对应英文:Heaven that they have (born, survival), raising their virtue, objects so that they grow, so that they have the achievement situation. So all the people did not respect heaven and virtue. It is said that "Dao" and "de" is the creation of life and upbringing of living things, with...

见《孙子兵法"势篇》"善战者,求之于势,不责于人故能择人而任势。任势者,其战人也,如转木石木石之性安则静,危则动,方则止,圆则行。故善战人之势,如转圆石于...对应英文:See the "art of war" and "potential Article III", for the potential, not responsible for the people so a person who can choose any potential. Any potential, the war also, such as wood and wood to the safety of Zejing, risk is dynamic, we check, circle line. The warrior people trend, such as a round stone in...

势不可当来势迅猛,不可抵挡。语本《晋书·郗鉴传》"群逆纵逸,其势不可当,可以算屈,难以力竞。"势不可遏犹势不可当势不两存见"势不两立"势不两立谓敌对的事物不能同时并...对应英文:Irresistible violent, irresistible. This "book of Jin Chi Jian Chuan" "group inverse Zongyi, the irresistible, can be bent, difficult to force. "Inundant and irresistible Shibuliangcun be irreconcilable opposed to be irreconcilable opposed to" see "things that cannot be and hostile...

原文道生之,德畜之,物形之,势成之。是以万物莫不尊道而贵德。道之尊,德之贵,夫莫之命而常自然。故道生之,德畜之,长之育之,亭之毒之养之覆之。生而不有,为而不恃,...对应英文:The original Dawson, De of livestock, shape, potential of. All governments is to honour and Guide. The statue, de expensive, operation is not the life and nature. In life, De of livestock, long Zhi Yuzhi, Ting poison raised to cover. Born not to have, but does not possess,...

六亲不认如虎狼,不到长城非好汉。排山倒海成弓势,力拔山河洞洞通应该是老鼠对应英文:All such as tigers, the Great Wall is not a true man. Topple the mountains and overturn the seas arch potential, force out the mountains and rivers through it is a mouse hole

是不是"仗势欺人" 这不是玩呢么,对了就通过哈 追加这个是"三教九流"啦对应英文:Is it right? "Bullying" this is not playing well, right through the "people" Ha added

人活的时间长,有势力的时候少不以势力处世人多好人少 ,选择仁义的人交朋友对应英文:People live a long time, when there is a power to force people not in good little choice, and make friends

出处  西汉·戴圣《礼记·礼运篇》如果有越轨的反常行为.有权势者也要斥退,百姓也会把它看成祸害。这种社会就叫做小康。百科里有哦~对应英文:The Western Han Dynasty, Dai San from "the book of rites liyunpian" if there is a deviant anomalous behavior. The powerful will need, people will take it as a scourge. This is called a well-off society. The Encyclopedia has Oh

悲夫!有如此之势,而为秦人积威之所劫,日削月割,以趋于亡。为国者无使为积威之所劫哉! 真可悲啊!有这样的有利形势,却被秦国积久的威势所胁迫,天天割地,月月割地,以至于...对应英文:Sad! Such a situation, and the plot to Qin Wei robbery, Rixiaoyuege, to become death. For the country without make for Wei plot of the robbery! Really sad ah! There is such a favorable situation, but Qin accumulate together the stress, every territory, on the territory, so that...



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