

久住坡上不嫌陡对应英文:Long live the slope is not too steep

意思是长久住在坡上.习惯了就不觉的陡.比喻安于现状,顺其自然对应英文:It is long lived in the upper slope. Accustomed to not feel steep. Metaphor with the status quo, let it be

我非常佩服她能在大山里还能走得那么快,她却笑着说"久住坡,不嫌陡。习惯了。"对应英文:I very admire her in the mountains can go so fast, she smiled and said, "long live the slope, not too steep. Habit. "

◆千学不如一看,千看不如一练。 ◆久住坡,不嫌陡。 ◆马看牙板,人看言行。 ◆不经冬寒,不知春暖。 ◆不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。 ◆不在被中睡,不知被儿宽。 ◆...对应英文:◆ thousands of school as a watch, a thousand see as a coach. ◆ a long slope, not too steep. ◆ the horse tooth plate, people look at the words and deeds. ◆ without cold, not cold. ◆ don't burden not heavy, don't go a long way not far. ◆ shouldn't be sleeping, don't know is wide. ◆...

◆久住坡,不嫌陡。 ◆马看牙板,人看言行。 ◆不经冬寒,不知春暖。 ◆不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。 ◆不在被中睡,不知被儿宽。 ◆不下水,一辈子不会游泳不扬帆,...对应英文:◆ a long slope, not too steep. ◆ the horse tooth plate, people look at the words and deeds. ◆ without cold, not cold. ◆ don't burden not heavy, don't go a long way not far. ◆ shouldn't be sleeping, don't know is wide. ◆ does not enter the water, never swim not sail,...

◆千学不如一看,千看不如一练。  ◆久住坡,不嫌陡。  ◆马看牙板,人看言行。  ◆不经冬寒,不知春暖。  ◆不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。  ◆不在被中...对应英文:◆ thousands of school as a watch, a thousand see as a coach. ◆ a long slope, not too steep. ◆ the horse tooth plate, people look at the words and deeds. ◆ without cold, not cold. ◆ don't burden not heavy, don't go a long way not far. ◆ not to be in...

◆口说无凭,事实为证。 ◆久住坡,不嫌陡。 ◆马看牙板,人看言行。 ◆不经冬寒,不知春暖。 ◆耳听为虚,眼见为实。 ◆宁可做过,不可错过。◆一等二靠三落空,一想二干三...对应英文:◆ Words alone are no proof., evidence. ◆ a long slope, not too steep. ◆ the horse tooth plate, people look at the words and deeds. ◆ without cold, not cold. ◆ ears, seeing is believing. I would rather have done, not to be missed. ◆ a two by three to two lost, three...

◆千学不如一看,千看不如一练。◆久住坡,不嫌陡。◆马看牙板,人看言行。◆不经冬寒,不知春暖。◆不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。◆不在被中睡,不知被儿宽。◆不下水...对应英文:◆ thousands of school as a watch, a thousand see as a coach. ◆ a long slope, not too steep. ◆ the horse tooth plate, people look at the words and deeds. ◆ without cold, not cold. ◆ don't burden not heavy, don't go a long way not far. ◆ shouldn't be sleeping, don't know is wide. ◆ does not enter the water...

◆千学不如一看,千看不如一练。   ◆久住坡,不嫌陡。   ◆马看牙板,人看言行。   ◆不经冬寒,不知春暖。   ◆不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。   ◆...对应英文:◆ thousands of school as a watch, a thousand see as a coach. ◆ a long slope, not too steep. ◆ the horse tooth plate, people look at the words and deeds. ◆ without cold, not cold. ◆ don't burden not heavy, don't go a long way not far. ◆...

天上乌云盖,大雨来得快. 久住坡,不嫌陡。 马看牙板,人看言行。 不经冬寒,不知春暖。 不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。 不在被中睡,不知被儿宽。 不下水,一辈子不会游...对应英文:Dark clouds covered the sky, heavy rain faster. Long live the slope, not too steep. The horse tooth plate, people look at the words and deeds. Without cold, not cold. Without carrying the load yourself you don't know how heavy it is, without walking the long distance yourself you don't know how far it is. Not to be sleeping, don't know is wide. Without water, life will not swim...


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