

水深难见底对应英文:See the bottom depth

但是,时下总有一些人喜欢背离这句俗话的本义,以此劝人凡事不必认真,得饶人处且饶人,甚至见了危害人民利益的人或事,也睁一只眼、闭一只眼,不当宽也宽。这就有必要议一...对应英文:However, nowadays there are always some people like from the saying of the original meaning, to persuade people don't seriously, be lenient wherever it is possible, even see a person or thing that harm the interests of the people, but also open one eye, one eye closed, improper width width. It is necessary to discuss a...

如果有长宽高就能解决,然后根据水的密度,算出浮力,自由落体算出落水之前一刻重物的速度 然后主要根据动能,动量定理计算能到多少米,再根据加速度算出时间! 当然这只是...对应英文:If the long high width can be solved, then according to the density of water, calculate calculate buoyancy, free fall overboard before moment load speed and then mainly according to the kinetic energy, momentum theorem to calculate to many meters, then according to the acceleration of course this is just calculate the time...

虽然水深达千丈,但现出了江底这是承认江水有千丈深,显然事实不是这样。可以翻译成即使······,也······。这样是强调水清澈。对应英文:Although the depth of thousands of feet, but now the river which is admitted to a thousand feet deep river, obviously not true. Can be translated into even · · · · · ·, also · · · · · ·. It is stressed that the water clear.

当然是啦对应英文:Of course

微型睡莲室内种,要光照好,泥一般要十厘米以上,越多更好些,水-都可以,叶发黑如果有水中叶一般是你水浅了露在空气中的原因,如果浮叶,可能或肥或泥或水或病的原因冬天...对应英文:Micro water lily indoor, to good illumination, mud usually more than ten cm, more is better, the water can be, leaf blackening if there is water in general is your middle shallow water, dew in the air if floating, reason or fertilizer or mud or water or disease in winter...

先求容器里面的水,水(*-*)(立方厘米) /(*).(厘米)对应英文:Seeking first inside the container of water, water (breath) (CC) / (*) (CM)

源远流长 无与伦比 悔不当初对应英文:Long incomparable regret having done sth.

圆柱形玻璃容器底面积π.圆锥体体积.*(-).设圆锥体高为,有方程.*/.解之,得.圆锥体的高为.对应英文:A cylindrical glass container bottom area of PI. The volume of a cone. * (-). A high.*/. cone, a equation solution. The cone, high

千丈见底。游鱼细石,直视无碍。 富春江水都呈青白色,深深的江水清澈见底。水中游动的鱼儿和水底细小的卵石...惟有水清和水静,才能知道水深,才能看到"游鱼细石"水中游鱼...对应英文:Bottomed out. Small stone fish, look no harm. The Fuchun River water was green white, deep river clear bottoming out. The water swimming fish and underwater small pebble... Only water and static water, in order to know the depth of the water, can see the "fish small stone fish in water"...

是指以后,下两句 就是说以后运气更好了,就好像风升起来,和云相会,你的姻缘就好比周文王遇见姜太公一样,一定是幸福美满的,而且你的另一半应该是个能够帮助你的人。应该...对应英文:Refers to the later, have better luck that later, just as the wind rose up, and a cloud meet, your marriage is just like the King Wen of Zhou met Jiang Taigong, must be happy, and your partner should be a person who can help yourself. Should.


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