

船小好掉头对应英文:A good small boat U-turn

船小有船小的好处,容易掉头。转义是虽然规模小,摊子不大,但是却非常灵活机动。对应英文:The small boat ship small good, easy to turn around. The escape is although small in scale, scale is not big, but very flexible.

船大好冲浪企业不做大做强,经不起市场风浪的冲涮,企业不做大做强,某一天可能会败下阵来。 商场如战场。 店大压客,客大压店。 便宜没好货,好货不便宜。 一分价钱一分...对应英文:The ship is not auspicious surf enterprises bigger and stronger, not washing the market storm, enterprises do not become bigger and stronger, may one day be defeated. Shopping malls such as the battlefield. Store large pressure guest, guest high pressure store. No good cheap goods, the goods is not cheap. A price of a sub sub...

意思是小规模的事物便于管理控制调动!操作起来灵活多了!比如你要对一个小部门小企业进行改造改革很简单,但是对于一个大企业一个国家就很难很难啦!对应英文:It is small things convenient for management control transfer operation easier!! if you want to a small small enterprise in the Department of reform is very simple, but for a large enterprise of a country is very difficult!

- 这样翻译才好对应英文:This translation is good

*(.). (-)* (+)* ./(-) ./(+) +./(-) + ./(+) .(+) / (-)(+) + ....对应英文:* (.). (-) * * / () (-) / () / (-) / (). () / (-) (of)..

、快速反应船小掉头快 经营环境常常是瞬息万变的,市场行情此-时彼一时。小 本经营"船小掉头快",只要时刻保持清醒的头脑,及时对市场变化作出灵敏快捷的反应,抢先抓住...对应英文:Fast response, small boat U-turn fast operating environment is often vary from minute to minute, the market this time then. This small business "small boat U-turn quickly", as long as you keep a sober mind, to make the sensitive and quick response to market changes, to seize...

你好,这是好事,财气不错的,人缘很好。对应英文:Hello, this is a good thing, originally good, popularity is very good.

本人理解企业拟放弃目前产品,该做原先的系列产品,以避免效益和利益的受损吧对应英文:I understand the enterprise intends to abandon the current products, the series of products originally, in order to avoid the damage efficiency and benefit

水速+(船速-水速)/(船速+水速-水速)分钟对应英文:Water velocity (speed and water velocity (speed) / speed of water - water velocity) minutes

很多基金公司为避免规模过大影响基金业绩而"暂停申购",基金规模小一些好,操作灵活,船小好掉头,基金业绩往往较好。 当然选基金不能单从基金的规模大小耒决定,还要注意...对应英文:Many fund companies to avoid too large scale influence the fund performance, fund "to suspend purchase" small good, flexible operation, good small boat U-turn, fund performance is often better. Of course selecting funds not only from the fund size Lei decided, must pay attention to...


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