

烟酒不分家对应英文:Regardless of tobacco

是说社交场合啊,只要人能凑在一起,递上一只烟,喝上一杯酒,就不是外人了。也是有求于人的人送礼时一句口头禅吧对应英文:It is said that social occasions, as long as people can get together, pass a smoke, drink a cup of wine, not outsiders. Also people who present a pet phrase

"烟酒不分家"并非人们的心理习惯,而是有着生理上的原因。而且尼古丁、酒精同"麻醉品"的结合对健康尤其有害。 美国得克萨斯大学健康科学中心的科研人员在月出版的科学...对应英文:"Regardless of tobacco" is not the people's mental habits, but there is a reason on the physiology. And nicotine, alcohol with "narcotic drugs" combination is particularly harmful to health. The University of Texas Health Science Center America researchers published in Science in the...

二是纯粹意义上的烟酒不分家,什么意思呢!说的简洁些,就是指人与人之间,来根烟抽,弄包烟抽,喝顿酒,不要分清你我,所以才称的上烟酒不分家。 在人们传统的观念中,似乎烟...对应英文:Two is the pure sense regardless of tobacco, what mean! Say simple, is refers to between the person and the person, to a cigarette, get a box of smoke, drink wine, do not distinguish between you and me, so alcohol is known not to break up. People in the traditional sense, seemed to smoke...

烟酒不分家·是抽烟喝酒的人自己给自己找的开脱词找个跟自己的跟人嗜好又关·不一定非得随风符合·对应英文:Regardless of alcoholic drinks and tobacco are people who smoke and drink their own to find excuse for words with their own people with addiction and shut, do not necessarily have to meet, the wind

可以这么说.不仅烟酒不分家,连酒肉也不必分家了. 如果因金融危机造成收入下降经济困难了,不仅烟酒得分加,酒肉更得分家了,否则就日子过不下去了.对应英文:You can say so. Not only regardless of tobacco, or even without separation. If the cause of income decline in economic difficulties because of the financial crisis, not only alcohol scoring, drink more points home, otherwise life would not go on

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

依我看,随便来个"烟酒一家"如何俗话说烟酒不分家,一家就是独家就是专卖别无分店。祝你好运来,随便发财滚滚来!对应英文:In my opinion, literally a "and a" how to say regardless of tobacco, a home is the exclusive monopoly is no branch. I wish you good luck, just a rolling!

给人格外温馨的感觉。抽烟喝酒之人,都知道"烟酒不分家"的道理,所以一定人气旺旺…对应英文:Give people a warm feeling. Smoking and drinking people, all know that "regardless of tobacco" truth, so a certain popularity wangwang...

近年国外有研究证明烟酒不分家的人,其危害至少最易表现在以下三方面。    第一、会加重酗酒程度。最近,美国得克萨斯大学健康科学中心的科研人员研究发现,香烟中的...对应英文:Foreign recent studies have demonstrated that regardless of tobacco harm people, at least most easily in the following three aspects. First, will increase the alcohol degree. Recently, researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center USA found in cigarettes...

近年国外有研究证明烟酒不分家的人,其危害至少最易表现在以下三方面。     第一、会加重酗酒程度。最近,美国得克萨斯大学健康科学中心的科研人员研究发现,香烟中...对应英文:Foreign recent studies have demonstrated that regardless of tobacco harm people, at least most easily in the following three aspects. First, will increase the alcohol degree. Recently, researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center USA found in cigarettes...

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