

心病还得心药医对应英文:Heart to heart medicine

应该和这句话如出一辙。身体的疾病,我们有各类药物。心病也许就是我们所说的情结,过不去的坎。还是需要自己释怀,才会过去。自己想通了也就是心药。心病、心药都是自己...对应英文:And it should be run in the same groove. Physical diseases, we have all kinds of drugs. Heart disease is what we might call the complex, is impossible to overcome. Still need to go, will be the last. He figured out that heart medicine. Heart disease, heart medicine is yourself...

你说的很对,解铃还须系铃人。在哪摔倒的,在哪爬起来!祝看帖的都开心!对应英文:What you said is right, who ties unties. Where to fall, where up to make everyone happy!

心病还需心药医这句话虽然表面上看上去是唯心主义的说法,但是在中理论中是站的脚的。 首先,从五行学说来看,心属火,对应情志是喜(这个喜是狂喜),而从常态来说,心情舒畅...对应英文:Heart medicine for the heart of this sentence although on the surface looks is the idealistic view, but the theory is standing feet. First, from the theory of the five elements, the heart belongs to fire, the corresponding emotion is like (this joy and ecstasy), and from a normal, happy...

心病还须心药医 出处宋·惠洪《林间集》卷下载出处 元·王实甫《西厢记》第一本第二折"俺老夫人治家严肃,凛若冰霜。" 示例 笑起来一双眼又秀又媚,却是不笑起来又~。(...对应英文:Heart to heart medicine from Song Huihong "the set" volume download source yuan Wang Shifu "the West Chamber" of the first second fold "an old lady in a solemn, cold as ice and frost. "Laughing eyes and example show and Mei, but not to laugh again. (...

. 这两句都可表示类似含义, 个人觉得 虽然到处都找的到,是较常见的译法,但并不能表达中文的相关含义, ...对应英文:. these two can be expressed similar meaning, personal feel although can be found everywhere, is the translation of the more common, but not related to the expression of Chinese meaning,...

心理病只能靠心理治疗来解决!对应英文:Mental illness can only be solved by psychotherapy!

这没用的,心病终须心药医,解铃还须系铃人。还是让她来,这才能平息的。只有那个伤害了人的人去平息、解决、安慰、帮助那个被伤害的人,才能使那个被伤害的人真正地得到...对应英文:It's no use, will have heart disease medicine, who ties unties. Let her come, it can calm down. Only the injured person to calm, solve, comfort, to help the injured people, can make the person really get hurt...

应该和这句话如出一辙。身体的疾病,我们有各类药物。 心病也许就是我们所说的情结,过不去的坎。还是需要自己释怀,才会过去。自己想通了也就是心药。心病、心药都是自...对应英文:And it should be run in the same groove. Physical diseases, we have all kinds of drugs. Heart disease is what we might call the complex, is impossible to overcome. Still need to go, will be the last. He figured out that heart medicine. Heart disease, heart medicine is self...

我的认为因为心病是你自己心里面的那道坎过不去,别人对你来说只是一个参摸,至于最后的怎样只能靠你自己去调节啊,毕竟是你自己的心别人不能怎么样,最重要的是心态问题...对应英文:I think because heart disease is the line of your own heart to go, others to you is only a reference for the final touch, how can only rely on your own to adjust ah, after all, is what your own heart, others can not, the most important is the mentality of the problem...

心病还需心药医 解铃还需系铃人比喻由谁引起的麻烦,仍由谁去解决。 这句成语源自一个叫法灯的和尚。据明...芹在《红楼梦》第九十回中还以"心痛还得心药医,解铃还需系铃...对应英文:Heart medicine for the heart Dog that fetches will carry. parable who cause trouble, is who is going to solve. This idiom comes from a monk called lamp. According to Qin Ming... In "a dream of Red Mansions" ninetieth back in the "heart to heart medicine, should it be held...


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