

任重而道远对应英文:A long way to go

但是,要实现普遍可及的目标,我们仍然任重而道远。对应英文:But, to realize the goal of universal access to, we still have a long way to go.

但我们依然任重而道远,变革将不仅仅来自华盛顿。对应英文:But we are still a long way to go, change will not just come from Washington.

尽管如此,太阳能应用仍然是任重而道远,这在某种程度上是电池容量所致。对应英文:Even so, the solar energy application is still a long way to go, in part, this is caused by the battery capacity.

尽管如此,太阳能应用仍然是任重而道远,这在某种程度上是电池容量所致。对应英文:Even so, the solar energy application is still a long way to go, in part, this is caused by the battery capacity.

与任何应用程序一样,仔细考虑您对数据访问的具体业务需求任重而道远。对应英文:As with any application, think carefully about your specific business requirements of the data access a long way to go.

建设和完善国际和国内法治任重而道远。对应英文:Construction and improve the domestic and international rule of law, a long way to go.

默克尔不会允许有可能让反对者流落街头的改革措施出台,对于一个倾向自由主义的政府来说,未来工作任重而道远。对应英文:Ms merkel will not allow may let their opponents on the streets of reform measures, for a tendency of liberal government, working a long way to go in the future.

然而,除非你有自己的营销团队和坚实适当的发布通道,否则为你的产品提升知名度任重而道远。对应英文:However, unless you have your own marketing team and solid appropriate distribution channel, or have a long way to go to raise awareness of your product.

但他还提醒道:在把慷慨的捐赠转变为持久的人道主义成果方面,仍然任重而道远。对应英文:But he also warned: in turning generous donations into lasting humanitarian results, is still a long way to go.

而对所有这些,我们只能说,在中国,建立商业道德仍然任重而道远。对应英文:For all these, we can only say that in China, build up the business ethics is still a long way to go.

因此,历史告诉我们藩篱可以被拆除,但我们仍然任重而道远。对应英文:History tells us, therefore, barriers can be removed, but we still have a long way to go.

有分析师称,对投资者来讲,这个策略看起来似乎任重而道远,他们对策略的时机以及执行提出了一些问题。对应英文:Analysts say, for investors, the strategy seems to be a long way to go, their timing and execution of strategy put forward some problems.

很显然,如果我们想把每天的盐摄入量减少到6克从而拯救更多的生命的话,制造商们任重而道远。对应英文:Obviously, if we want to reduce the daily salt intake to 6 grams to save more lives, manufacturers have a long way to go.

但是欧洲任重而道远,不仅仅因为多个党体被牵扯其中,还因为最终的目标尚未明确。对应英文:But Europe's a long way to go, not only because more than one party is involved, but also because the ultimate goal is not yet clear.

抚今追昔,我们没有理由自满,改革开放任重而道远。对应英文:However, we have no reason to become complacent, reform and opening up a long way to go.

换言之,惠特曼眼下应该好好享受荣升惠普首席执行官的短暂喜悦,因为接下来的日子很可能任重而道远。对应英文:Whitman, in other words, you should enjoy your promotion hewlett-packard CEO brief joy, because the next day is likely to be a long way to go.

报告提出,虽然过去的二十年中,女性健康方面的研究取得了重大的进步,但是这项任务仍然任重而道远。对应英文:Report, although in the past two decades, women's health research has made significant progress, but the task is still a long way to go.

但是报告仍表明IPv6主机只占1%,这就意味着IPv6的推进任重而道远。对应英文:But the report still shows that IPv6 hosts only accounted for 1%, which means that IPv6 is advancing a long way to go.

面子工程刻不容缓,因为还不知道竣工那一刻是何时,任重而道远。对应英文:Completed face project urgent, because I don't know yet when was that moment, a long way to go.

当然,评价改革是一项长期工程,如何更好地发挥历史教学评价的激励功能是中学历史教师任重而道远的追求。对应英文:Of course, the reform of evaluation is a long-term project, how to play a better incentive function of history teaching evaluation is the pursuit of high school history teacher a long way to go.

尽管欧洲立法机构和女权主义者已经竭尽全力缩小男女之间的收入鸿沟,他们的工作仍然任重而道远。对应英文:Although the European legislature and feminists have try our best to narrow the income gap between men and women, their work is still a long way to go.

面对现代科技的飞速发展和社会的进步,高职教育任重而道远。对应英文:In the face of the rapid development of modern science and technology and the progress of the society, higher vocational education a long way to go.

虽然中印都取得了举世瞩目的成就,但仍面临人口、资源、环境等方面的巨大压力,实现现代化任重而道远。对应英文:Although China and India have scored remarkable achievements, but still face the huge pressure of population, resources, environment and so on, to modernize a long way to go.



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