

百菜不如白菜对应英文:A hundred dishes than cabbage

大白菜的营养成分很丰富。富含胡萝卜素、维生素、维生素、维生素、粗纤维以及蛋白质、脂肪和钙、磷...但是要提醒大家注意的是白菜滑肠,不可过多冷食,气虚胃寒的人...对应英文:Cabbage is rich in nutrients. Is rich in carotene, vitamin, vitamin, vitamin, crude fiber and protein, fat and calcium, phosphorus... But to remind everybody to notice is cabbage Hua Chang, not too much cold, Qi Wei Han people...

白菜粉丝炖肉圆、醋熘猪肝白菜片,白菜肉糜饺,或菜帮加工泡菜,或菜帮切丝做沙拉食之,皆爽脆味美,既饱口福,又能防病疗病。这正如百姓自有的评说"百菜不如白菜。"对应英文:Chinese cabbage and vermicelli, vinegar leavened cabbage stew round liver, cabbage meat dumplings, or dish to help processing Pickled Cabbage dish, or salad for shredding food is crisp, delicious, both sinseong hoe, and can prevent and treat the disease. As the people's own comments "Bai CAI as cabbage. "

在多的菜也不如白菜。意思就是肉类中最好吃的莫属猪肉,众多的菜类中数白菜最好吃。 其实这句话中只需要明白两个字的意思就好"诸"众。许多"百"数词,代指多的意思。...对应英文:In many dishes as well as Chinese cabbage. Is best to eat pork means meat, many vegetables in the cabbage to eat the best number. In fact, this sentence only need to know two words mean. "The public". Many of the "hundred" numeral, referring to many meanings. ...

大白菜,又称为"结球白菜"、"黄芽菜"或"窝心白菜"等,是我国的原产和特产蔬菜,全国各地普遍栽培,以华北地区为主要产区。大白菜以其细嫩甘脆、汁白如乳的品质,易种植、...对应英文:Chinese cabbage, also known as the "Chinese cabbage", "cabbage" or "sweet cabbage", is China's native and special vegetables, widespread throughout the cultivation, in North China as the main producing areas. Chinese cabbage with its delicate and sweet and crisp white as milk, juice quality, easy to grow,...

说明猪肉和白菜可以普通的食材而制出非凡的美味, 提醒大家对司空见惯的事物,也可以发掘出深刻的内涵。 一般人对此是重视不够的。对应英文:The pork and cabbage can be common ingredients for special delicious, remind everybody to It is quite common for things, also can dig out the profound connotation. Most people are not paying enough attention to the.

因为事白菜和百菜同音对应英文:Since Chinese cabbage and 100 dishes homophone

大白菜具有较高的营养价值,有"百菜不如白菜"的说法。 【营养功效】 秋冬季节空气特别干燥,寒风对人的皮肤伤害很大。白菜中含有丰富的维生素 、 ,多吃白菜,可以起...对应英文:Chinese cabbage with high nutritional value, is "a hundred dishes than cabbage" argument. [] nutritional benefits of autumn and winter the air is particularly dry, cold damage to human skin very. Cabbage is rich in vitamins, eat cabbage, can play...

白菜又称百菜,意思是营养丰富、易于身体吸收,主要含有丰富的维生素、维生素,可以起到很好的护肤和养颜效果含有丰富的粗纤维,可以润肠、促进排毒、刺激肠胃蠕动帮助...对应英文:Chinese cabbage is also called hundred dishes, meaning is rich in nutrition, easy absorption in the body, which contains rich vitamin, vitamin, can play a very good skin care and beauty effect is rich in crude fiber, can Runchang, promote detoxification, stimulate the gastrointestinal peristalsis to help...

"诸肉不如猪肉,百菜不如白菜" "牡丹是花中王,白菜是菜中王"对应英文:"The meat than pork, a hundred dishes as" cabbage "peony flower is the king, cabbage dish in the king"

大白菜具有较高的营养价值,有"百菜不如白菜"的说法。 大白菜的营养成分很丰富。富含胡萝卜素、维生素、维生素、维生素、粗纤维以及蛋白质、...对应英文:Chinese cabbage with high nutritional value, is "a hundred dishes than cabbage" argument. Cabbage is rich in nutrients. Is rich in carotene, vitamin, vitamin, vitamin, crude fiber and protein,...


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