

冤有头债有主对应英文:No debts without creditors, no hatred without cause

全文 各地幼儿园纷纷挂起横幅。冤有头债有主 ,前面左转是政府! 政府门口也打出一条横幅别烦我正开会,前面右转是部队! 部队门口也打出一条横幅是俊杰懂时务,前面不...对应英文:The kindergartens have hang banners. My head is the main debt, front left is the government government door! Play a banner don't bother me is meeting, front right is the army! Forces the door also made a banner is well know the times, in front of not...

《续传灯录》"卓拄一下,曰'冤有头,债有主。'"   典故 冤有冤头,债有债主。比喻要了解事情,必须找为主的人。对应英文:"Continued chuandeng recorded" "Zhuo on it, said 'the yuan have a head, is the main debt. 'cause "allusions have enemy, a creditor debt. Analogy to understand things, must find the person.

并不是哪个幼儿园挂的,那是网友出来的一张图哪个幼儿园敢挂这样的横幅啊,不怕被(河 )蟹吗对应英文:And which is not a kindergarten hang, that is a graph user out of the nursery which dare to hang this banner ah, not afraid of being (River) crab

你有冤就去找冤枉你的那个人,你有债就去找欠你债的那个人对应英文:You have found the person you go wrong, the person that you have a debt to owe you a debt

中国广东网上流传图片,有小学门口家长贴出标语"冤有头,债有主,前方右转是。"家长想告诉那些犯罪分子,有事直接找闹去,我和孩子是无辜的。对应英文:Guangdong Chinese spread online pictures, a primary school the door parents put up signs "the yuan have a head, is the main debt, front right is. "The parents want to tell those criminals, something directly to quarrel, I and the children are innocent.

日本人比较变态,鬼片也比较变态,不像泰国鬼片冤有头债有主,而是碰到就会死...死多少就死多少,《咒怨》算经典,不过妆有点假,《咒怨》系列最大的突破就是对鬼防不住,...对应英文:Compared with the Japanese metamorphosis, ghost is allergic, unlike Thailand ghost cause a head is the main debt, but encounter will die... How many die die many, "grudge" considered classic, but makeup a little fake, "grudge" series of the biggest breakthrough is the ghost can't guard,...

是全球金融市场认购,全球买希腊国债的投资者,机构,国家,就是债主这次也买了,欧洲央行也准备买,但是很多人觉得会贬值~ 为何贬值~因为希腊这次发行国债是将旧债务打...对应英文:The global financial market to buy Greek bonds subscription, global investors, institutions, countries, this is who also bought, the European Central Bank was ready to buy, but many people feel that the devaluation ~ why ~ because of the devaluation of the Greek bonds issued in the old debt hit...

我看过,好像是金庸,但应该是同名小说!!对应英文:I've seen, like Jin Yong, but it's novel of the same name!!

《续传灯录》"卓拄一下,曰'冤有头,债有主。'" 典故 冤有冤头,债有债主。比喻要了解事情,必须找为主的人。对应英文:"Continued chuandeng recorded" "Zhuo on it, said 'the yuan have a head, is the main debt. 'cause "allusions have enemy, a creditor debt. Analogy to understand things, must find the person.

政府,俗称「官府」、「衙门」、「公家」等,是一个政治体系,于某个区域订立、执行法律和管理的一套机构。广义的政府包括立法机关、行政机关、司法机关、军事机关。狭义...对应英文:The government, commonly known as the "official", "government", "public" and so on, is a political system, law enforcement and management, a set of institutions in a region. The legislative organs, administrative organs, judicial organs, military organs including the general government. The narrow sense...


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